Bjoern Eckert

Pro | 0049.1577.4654683 |

Born in 1971 and married to my beautiful wife since 1996. I have been a long distance runner for more than 15 years. Running has ever been what I loved doing most in my spare time and I am grateful for having stayed free of any severe injuries. At the beginning of 2018 I have changed to barefoot running and my only regret is that I have not done it sooner. I am a licensed Fitness Trainer and certified Natural Running Coach helping other people providing the essential skills to run naturally as we have been designed to do. I am excited being part of the OS family since 2019 and that I can continue as an OS Certified Professional - Pro following my recertification in 2021.

Every single client is unique but most of the people approaching me are runners who have suffered running injuries in the past, mindful people who like to learn walking or running barefoot and people like you and me at 40+ who do not like training in a gym any longer.

Specialty: Natural Running & Moving