Categories: Uncategorized Mar 19, 2014

Dedicated to John, Randi, and of course, Moses...

How long do you expect to live?

Have you ever thought about this before? Or, have you simply settled on the notion that most people die between 70 to 80 years of age, and you'll probably be one of them?

Did you know that scientists think that the human body could feasibly live to be 125 years old?(1)
Think about that, that would be 45 years past the age of 80 years. Most people have conceded that they are already past midlife by 45 years of age and they probably think their best years are behind them. What if you could celebrate your 40th birthday at least three times in one lifetime?

You can. In 1997, the world's oldest person, Jeanne-Louise Calment, died at the young age of 122.5 years old. She actually smoked until she was 117 years old.(2) The fact that she smoked until she was 117 tells us that she wasn't living "healthy". But she must have been doing something right. Perhaps Jeanne knew something we don't know. Perhaps Jeanne approached life a little differently than most other people do. I'll bet Jeanne's expectations had a lot to do with her longevity. I'll bet she didn't expect to die when she was 80 years old, or 90, or even 100. Maybe that is why she decided to take up fencing when she was 87.(3) Jeanne knew she had a lot of time on her hands to live, learn, and enjoy new activities. She didn't sit around waiting to die in her 80s. She was busy living.

We seriously need to change our lens when it comes to our lives and our longevity. What if I told you that you could indeed live to be 120 years old? And, what if I told you that those 120 years could be filled with life and vitality, not just mere existence? If you have already balked and dismissed this idea, you are right: You probably won't make it to 120. If however, this idea interests you, consider this:

In Genesis 6:3, God says that man will live to be 120 years old. Moses wrote that. He wrote the first five books of the Bible, and he surely lived to that expectation. In Deuteronomy 34:7, it says, "And Moses was a hundred and twenty years old when he died: his eye was not dim, nor his natural force abated." In case you are wondering, Moses did not write that part!

Do you see this? Not only did he live to be 120 years old, but when he died, he died a strong, healthy man. His eyesight was not diminished. Nor was his strength. He simply just left the earth when it was time.

This sounds a little strange, I know. It is one thing to believe it is possible to live to be 120 years old. It is another thing altogether to believe that you could live that long and be filled with strength, health, and vitality. After all, the world around you would certainly seem to present different information. All around you, you can easily see people tapping out and settling for diminished vitality as early as their 50s and 60s.

The problem is that we have short expectations. Well, that is part of the problem. The other part of the problem is that we usually wind up getting exactly what we expect! It is not entirely our fault. We are often fed a great deal of information that we would probably just be better off not knowing. For example, If all you ever hear is that your life expectancy is 76 years old, then what else are you supposed to believe? If you hear that often enough, you'll probably believe something like that. After all, you don't know any better, right?

But now you do. I am telling you right now that you are capable of living to 120 years of age, with vitality. Science says you are capable of living to 125 years of age. I'll bet one of us is right. Start marinating on that notion.

You were not meant to breakdown, rust away, and end up in the junk yard. You were made to endure like the sun. You were made to beam with life's energy, always until the moment that you leave.

Know this.

Believe this.

You were built to last.

If you feel as if you are headed for the junk yard, or if you feel as if you've had your sights set on your mid 70s, change your thinking. Set your expectations higher. If you knew it was possible to live to 120 years old, and it is, why would you settle for anything less? If you knew you were always meant to be strong and vibrant, why not fight to stay that way?

Live a life full of LIFE.

If you are reading this, no matter what age you are, you are just getting started. It is not too late to claim your original strength and restore yourself to who and how you were made to be.

1. (https://science.howstuffworks.com/life/genetic/humans-live-forever.htm)
2. (https://news.psu.edu/story/141822/2004/06/09/research/it’s-about-time)
3. (https://news.psu.edu/story/141822/2004/06/09/research/it’s-about-time)

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