Movement For All

When you think of movement, what do you imagine?  Running? Dancing? A lioness on the prowl?  The pitter patter of a toddlers feet?  Birds soaring through the sky?  Leaves blowing in the…

Eyes Straight Ahead

I remember walking through the mall one time with my friend, Keith. It was a Friday night and we didn't have anything to do but "hang out" at the mall. I was walking towards some steps when I saw a…

Get In The Game

If you have ever been an athlete (and you were born one) that has played in any sport, you know that there is no better feeling than being in the game. No one wants to just sit on the bench and watch…

Get Up

People are resilient. At least they are supposed to be. We were made to move, endure, and carry on. Sometimes we get knocked down. Sometimes we fall. Other times we just get attacked by outside forces.…

The Cry to Move

I recently had the fortune of being able to take a vacation to Disney World with my family. The vacation was wonderful, our family made many memories that will last a lifetime for my children - hopefully.…