By Traditional Means Necessary

We understand that some of you reading this may really enjoy "traditional" strength training. Others of you may believe that traditional means of training are tried and true and you're just not…

Cultivating Your Original Strength: Part 2

A guest post by Josh Halbert: In the first article we touched on the difference between reflexive stability and feed forward tension strategies. We went over the role of each and the interplay…

How to Crawl

We get a great deal of emails asking us about crawling. Many of these emails are simply asking about the differences between spider-man crawling and leopard crawling. Others ask things about where the…

I Wanna Rock!

A huge thanks to Aleks Salkin for this guest post.  “I wanna rock!  ROCK!”

Do you want good posture?

When I was in middle school, my mom would always tell me to quit slouching. Apparently I slouched a great deal. I blame my Atari 2600. Anyway, I remember how I would try to raise and shrug my shoulders…