Cultivating Your Original Strength: Part 1

In this two part series I want to explore the difference between reflexive stability and feed forward tension strategies. In part one we’ll look at how each one is incorporated into overall human movement,…

Are you Free?

It’s Independence Day here in the United States. A day we celebrate freedom. A day to spend with family, friends, and neighbors as we grill some burgers, dogs, or chicken. We are free. Free to live…

The Roll of the Roll

“I know it’s only rock and roll, but I like it!” ​- The Rolling Stones, singing about resets, becoming physically resilient , and taking good care of your body. Just…

An Original Strength Review - Crushing Weakness

“So I’ve read more than a few strength/health books in my day, and more often than not the way they deliver information can be divided into a few different categories. 1) Those that lay…

Another Original Strength Review- Scott's Podcast

Here is an interview by our friend, Scott Iardella: