Reflecting and Asking “Why?”

And now, a guest post from the Scottish OS Level 2 Coach, Richard Macaulay . Please read with a Scottish accent.... Have you ever asked yourself why you are doing something: Why do…

The Child is Father to the Man

And now, some thoughts from Mark Limbaga, OS Certified Professional - Pro and friend.... In roughly four weeks, my son shall make his long-awaited debut into this world. As…

Movement is Golden

And now, a guest post by OS Level 2 Coach, Mark Limbaga...... Imagine with me, if you will. Our story begins during the gold rush. Two guys…

Lost and Found

And now, a guest post from Michigan based, OS Instructor, Sarah Young.... The other day I put on a rain jacket I hadn’t worn since last summer. I reached into…

Movement and Creativity

And now, a guest post by OS Certified Professional - Pro, Lisa Konoplisky My life is weird. For half of it (give or take a few percentage points) I am a student and teacher…

Success Quickie: Why Everyone Needs an Original Strength Coach

One of our favorite, Original Strength Certified Coaches, PJ Olsen of Restorative Strength in Nashville, TN, couldn't help but share this fantastically…

Swimmer Discovers Secret Weapon

Let’s face it, Original Strength is silly. Grown men and women rolling around on the floor and crawling like babies? Ridiculous! Like many people reading this, my first impression…

Resetting a Reset

And now, a guest post by Bill Savage, OS Coach.... Recently I was back in Phoenix, one of my favourite cities to live in. While there, I always try to hike at least one of the 7 peaks in…