The Natural State of Breathing

In OS, we teach what we believe to be the natural state of breathing; in and out through the nose with the tongue on the roof of the mouth, pulling air down into the belly with your diaphragm to fill…

Why Sometimes It Needs to Hurt

And now, a guest post from Chad Faulkner, Retired US Army, author of Original Strength for the Tactical Athlete, and OS Coach…. If you know my background…

How To Become _______________.

Have you ever wanted something so bad and worked very hard to get it only to be frustrated or irritated or dejected when you didn’t get, or couldn’t get what you wanted? Let me be more specific. Have…

Why Your Head Is Kinda Important

And now, a guest post from Australian OS Instructor, Piers Kwan. Read carefully. He talks funny.... I was recently driving to work when a car popped out from a side street and gave the…

Why Does OS Work?

I was walking with a friend of mine the other day and he asked me, “Tim, why do you think OS works so well?” I had been telling him about the miraculous stories we see and hear about when people learn…

Build Rock-Hard ABS with this Killer Reset Combo

And now, a guest post by OS Instructor and Movement Guru, Aleks Salkin... You’ve heard it before: core training is important. And everybody and their mother wants a rock-hard…

Self Expression

I recently flew from Raleigh to San Fransisco. There was an infant two rows in front of me, there was another infant in the row immediately behind me, another was one row up and to the left of me, and…

Does Training Have to Hurt?

A good friend of mine and I decided to do an experiment. We wanted to see if it were possible to train for a half Ironman triathlon without hurting her body or her performance at work. In the past when…

We Be Three

Have you ever heard the saying that a cord of three strands is not easily broken? Or, have you ever heard that a triangle is the strongest shape in nature? I don’t know if you’ve ever thought about…

Keys to Good Health

I’ve probably asked this before, but have you ever been in a hurry to leave your house but could not find your car keys? You were cutting it close on time for an appointment or job you had to be at,…