The Dos and Don'ts of Strength Training

Strength training can be confusing. It shouldn't be, but we live in complicated times with complicated messages. I'll go ahead and confuse things more right here as well. When I say, "strength training,"…

7 Things to Reset Your Life

Hello Everyone! I just wanted to give you seven simple things you can do daily that will help RESET your life so you can live to your full potential. These are very simple things to do,…

Perceiving Strength

We all want to be strong. Having strength just makes life easier. And, being strong is just cool. Right? Aside from being cool and looking awesome with those guns you carry, do you know why you really…

You Will Grow Old

It’s the way of the world. You are born, you grow in size and strength, you grow in thought and wisdom, and then you grow in age, become weak, and vanish. Mufasa would call it the circle of life. I…

Movement is an Expression

You were made to move. That is now a given. But movement is not just a physical action; it’s not just moving your limbs or moving from one place to the other. Movement is expression. How you move is…


I've learned a few things about myself since I started making YouTube videos of the OS Movement Snacks. For example, I have a really long neck. People write in and tell me so. True story: I was teaching…

Limitless Potential

Yesterday, I met a new friend. Well, he was a stranger who walked into my studio, but when he left, we were friends. Anyway, a stranger walked into the Original Strength Institute yesterday just to…

Presssing RESET for Athletes

And now, a guest post by OS Coach, William Sturgeon.... Contact sports can lead to high rates of injuries for athletes, if you are a strength coach or work with athletes, you understand…

How to Become a Superhero in 5 to 10 Minutes a Day

When talking about Original Strength, I often tell how the human body was “preprogrammed” with a movement template designed to build a strong, healthy, resilient body capable of performing any task…

8 Seconds of Glory

Ok, I have a crazy story to tell you. But it’s true and it’s my story. I want to share it with you for two reasons: 1) It may help you, and 2) It will help me to remember it. About two…