Strength - How to Get it

Having strength just makes life better. It makes everything easier - regardless of your definition of strength. We all want to be strong, even if we don't yet know it. Below is a simple…

Reset a Bad Day

What do you do when you have a bad day? Do you angrily brood over your circumstances? Do you hunker down on social media and tell the world how wrong it is? Do you spit venom? Once in a…

Do You Need a Do-over?

Do you need a do-over? Has something happened to your body or have you done something to your body and you wish you could just go back in time and undo whatever it is you've done? Have you tried pressing…

Can You Thaw Out a Frozen Shoulder?

This is a picture of OS Coach PJ Olsen. I just wanted to share it because it makes me smile. PJ oozes joy. I think it is beautiful.  Thanks to Jen…

Memorial Day Workout

It's Memorial Day. In the United States, this is our day to remember the men and women who died fighting for our freedom. As a result of enjoying this freedom, this is also a day that many people take…

Big Movements Create Smaller Movements

One of the reasons pressing reset is so powerful is it builds and reinforces gross motor skills. Gross motor skills are big movements like rolling, walking or running. The resets are basically gross…

Tim's Weekly Movement Routine

Every once in a while I will get questions about how I train for my own physical health. Today, I thought I’d share my routine with you. Before I do, you must know that I train in seasons. What I mean…

Are You An Original?

At the Pressing Reset workshops we once gave out a t-shirt that said "be Original." It was a great looking shirt, one of my favorites. I also really like the phrase, "be Original." It is simple, yet…

Real World Strength

One of the greatest benefits of having your original strength is you are capable. Being capable, able to live life and move the way you want to without getting injured, is true wealth. There is no amount…