Flight of the Cardinal

The other day I was in a box gym that had many windows on its face side. Outside, there was a cardinal who kept ramming hisself into the windows. He would attack the window and fly back to my car, and…

The Easiest, Most Beneficial Reset?

This past weekend I went out for a hike with my family. My boy, who’s 3, rode most of the way in the “kiddie pack” - the back pack that kid’s can sit in. The hike was uphill (both ways in the snow,…

You Are Not a Dog

"They" say that you can't teach an old dog new tricks. "I" am willing to bet "they" are wrong. Even if they are right, this phrase has often been applied to people. Guess what? People are not dogs.…

May Day, May Day, May Day!

MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MADAY! That is the international sound, or alert, for "Help!" AND, May Day is a holiday, or it used to be, that celebrates the beginning of warmth and light. Mayday and May Day sound…

Will You Choose?

Millions will Enter, few will win. Do you remember that? That little phrase at the end of the cereal commercials where they would hook us in with some great prize or toy if we would get our parents…


Do you have "good" balance? Have you ever heard anyone comment about how they had "bad" balance? Can balance even be good, or bad? Or is balance just balance - that spot in the middle where…


Did you know you were born to be a fighter? Search yourself, you know that this is true. This is just one of the reasons why many of us grow up loving movies like Rocky. We love the underdog.…

Breathe In, Breathe Out

We live hectic lives. We rush. We target appointments. We race to meet deadlines. We point and click. We zap our food. We are the "Now" society. We want everything done yesterday, and we stress ourselves…

Collect $200

Before Atari, there was Monopoly. Do you remember that game? It was a great game to play with your family and friends; especially on a rainy day. I always wanted to be the little sports car, and I don't…

Rock a Bye

In the Original Strength system, one of the most powerful resets is rocking. I have seen countless people discover hope that their body can regain it's mobility and strength from simply getting down…