A Story of Restoration

Categories: Uncategorized Sep 22, 2013

We often get letters about how Original Strength, the book, has helped someone overcome a physical issue they were dealing with. To be honest, every letter or story we receive is a blessing. It is wonderful to hear how something so simple as the resets in Original Strength can bring about restoration, or healing.

Recently, a reader on Amazon posted the following review:

I have joint hyper-mobility syndrome which means I have very loose joints and prone to orthopedic injuries. I have had Left Knee reconstruction, broken right ankle, broken every rib at least once, every bone in my right foot, torn shoulder labrums, torn supraspinatus, scoliosis, and frequent dislocations. I thought I would have to live as a fat shut-in for good and give up sports and active life. I lived in chronic pain and was almost convinced to take anti-depressants and live with the fat broken body I "had." Since reading Original Strength, I now press reset every morning, no matter what. I press reset again after work and go outside and walk, crawl, and try to sprint one day a week. I am doing the beginner strength routine as well on Tuesday and Saturday. I can walk pain-free. My knee, shoulders, neck and back feel like I am 12 again. I have gained tons of strength from the resets, crawling, and program in general. This book is what saved me from being another statistic. Thanks Tim and Geoff!!!


Isn't that amazing? I don't think we could ever get tired of learning about such stories as JB's. This is a story of restoration. AND, it is also a story of hope.

It is stories like this that prompted me to write The Hope of Movement. If you like Original Strength, and you want to know how and why it works, or you want to learn about how it can help you or others - how movement can bring about hope, I encourage you to check out The Hope of Movement. Your body has the ability to heal itself. You are wonderfully made. If you are not physically where you want to be, don't give up hope. In fact, go after hope. Learn how movement can help you find restoration.

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