An Empty Glass

Categories: Uncategorized Jan 29, 2014


How do you see things? I am asking this because many, many times, the way we see things determines the way we experience life. You have often heard the question, "Is the glass half full, or half empty?" How we see the glass, how we interpret the things around us, allows us to either embrace life and it's blessings, or it allows us to struggle and limp through life like it's victim.

In case the half full glass question doesn't really resonate with you, what if you had an empty glass? How would you see that? Would you see a glass that is empty, with nothing to offer, or would you see a glass that was full? Yes, full. Full of potential. Full of the possibilities of filling it with whatever you want to fill it with. In other words, If you have an empty glass, fill it up!

Very recently a friend of ours at Original Strength just experienced a pretty bad injury in his shoulder. His normal training routine, his normal movement routine, the goals and immediate plans he had for using his shoulder would have to change. After all, it is hard to press heavy weights overhead if you have a separated shoulder.

Anyway, instead of getting down and being depressed, instead of seeing an empty glass, our friend chose to see a very full glass. He could have gotten completely discouraged. But no, he has decided to use this as an opportunity to embrace pressing reset with Original Strength. In his vision, he sees this as an opportunity to heal fast and become as strong as he ever was. And he will. Not just because he is engaging in Original Strength, but because he expects to heal. He is expecting a great recovery. He has hope. With that hope, and that expectation, he is taking what would be a setback and making it into an opportunity.

The way we experience our life is largely determined by how we choose to see things. Do we see road blocks or opportunities? Do we see mountains in our way or wonderful peaks from which to soar from?

I know my friend will heal fast. He has a glass full of possibility.

What about you? Is the glass you're holding empty or full?

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