
Categories: Uncategorized Apr 23, 2014

Do you have "good" balance? Have you ever heard anyone comment about how they had "bad" balance? Can balance even be good, or bad? Or is balance just balance - that spot in the middle where everything seems to work just right.

Our bodies were made for balance; in every sense of the word. We use the word "balance" to describe how stable or unstable we are when we move or try not to move. We also use the word "balance" to describe the state of being at peace, rest, order, or harmony. Balance, in every sense, is essential for a healthy life.

Physically, we need balance to move well and express our bodies' full potential. Balance keeps us from falling and getting injured, and having balance allows our brain to remove the "brakes" from our bodies. Having balance (good posture, sharp reflexes, dexterity, agility) allows us to be free to enjoy a life of vitality. The secret to having balance is to have a healthy vestibular system. The secret to having a healthy vestibular system is to move like a child; to learn head control, to master the floor as a proving ground, to roll, to crawl, to walk, to run, to spin, to play, to laugh. Physical balance is born from movement. Physical balance is aborted, or lost, through idleness.

Mentally, we need balance to handle life, itself. If life where a marble, the best place we could be is in the middle, the center. If we live anywhere near the edges, we would just roll all over the place until we simply get lost underneath the kitchen stove. Yes, I hear the crickets, too.

Life is like a sphere, and you are in the center. You are surrounded by so many issues, events, stories, habits, influences, and information, that you need to have balance in order to maintain your self - your peace, and your sanity. Life is constantly poking you and prodding at you; trying to throw you into a spiral of chaos. Look around. People have depression issues, anger issues, dependency issues, and food issues. All of these issues are a result of a lack of balance. Mental balance is a necessity in order to navigate all of life's issues. Without mental balance, life handles us, we don't handle life.

How do we obtain mental balance? Much the same way we obtain physical balance: we move. Movement really is good medicine. It does more than just heal the body. It heals and repairs the mind and the emotions. Moving the way we were designed soothes the soul. It calms us, much the same way as rocking a crying baby helps calm and soothe him. Our brains, and our minds, crave movement. When we feed and nourish our brains with movement, we are also feeding and nourishing our minds - the nonphysical brain. Don't believe me? Take a nice, purposeful walk the next time you feel anxious, angry, stressed, or confused. I'll bet walking literally walks those feelings right out of you, or at least make them seem greatly diminished.

Why? Because we were made to move. If we do not do what we were made to do, we spiral out of balance. If we don't move, we obtain "poor" physical balance and allow life to knock us on our butts. If we do move, like we were made to, we enjoy the freedoms of health and we are mentally more nimble and able to handle life's issues.

Do you have balance? Are you always stressed out? Do you often listen to sad songs? Do you get angry when you find yourself in traffic? Do you move? Do you move enough?

You were made to move. You were also made for balance.
Movement gives us balance, all kinds of balance.

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