Be Not Broken

Categories: Blog Apr 03, 2016

You are probably familiar with the saying, “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.” And if you are, it probably goes without saying, “But if it is broke, fix it.” I really do believe our bodies were not meant to be broken or fragile. I believe there is an ultimate level of human capability, performance, health and strength we were all designed for.

Yes, there is reality. In our reality, there is injury, self-inflicted or otherwise, there is sickness and there is weakness. And while we all may be capable of living a life of health and strength, facts indicate that people age, people get sick, people get injured and people die. I understand that but it doesn’t change my belief. All of us, if we are being honest, are aware of facts all around us, yet we know the facts should be different. You see “wrongs” every day but you still believe in the “rights”.

I am telling you, you are not meant to be broken. But If you are broken, do something to fix it.

What is being broken? It is being less than you were meant to be. Maybe it is a pain in your lower back, maybe it is a limp, maybe it is a slouching posture, maybe it is a nagging thought, maybe it is an irrational fear. Whatever it is that is keeping you from being who you are supposed to be, who you want to be, fix it.

How do you “fix it?”

First of all, refuse to settle. Refuse to accept the issue keeping you from being “whole.” I’m not talking about living in denial. I am talking about fighting and resisting your circumstances. I am talking about “raging against the dying of the light.” Thank you, Dylan Thomas…

Next, educate yourself. Don’t necessarily learn about your issue or circumstance, but learn about who you are supposed to be, or what you are to become. See the prize, the target. Know it. Learn it. Do not focus on the obstacle. Mole hills become mountains when the mole hill is all we see. If you know your back is not supposed to hurt, it is easier to look past the pain. If, on the other hand, you settle for the notion that back pain comes with turning 30, well then, you may accept your pain and convince yourself that you’ll just have to learn to live with it. Don’t do that. Look past the “wrong” and see the “right.”

Once you educate yourself, or know where you are supposed to be, take action. Maybe the action you take is as simple as rocking on your hands and knees a few times a day. Maybe the action you take is as difficult as telling your spouse you love her, even if she doesn’t reciprocate the feeling. If you know how things are supposed to be, and you know what you are supposed to fight for, you act, you move, you fight. It doesn’t matter how big the mole hill is, or even if it is a true mountain you are facing, you were created with a mind that can will almost anything and a body that is designed to carry that will out. You are the ultimate problem solver, with one purpose - make the world a better place. Want to make the world a better place? Don’t accept or settle for the “wrongs”; in your life, or around your life. Take a step to change them.

Will rocking back and forth on your knees help remove all the pain out of your back? I don’t know. If it doesn’t, try something else. Will going to therapy take away the emotional scars of past events? It may help. But what if it doesn't? It doesn’t matter if it does or does not. What matters is you press on and you keep reaching to become as strong and sound as you are supposed to be.

Sometimes we just have to be persistant like Grover from Sesame Street. If there is an obstacle in our way, if there is something that is keeping us from a life of health and well-being, we must seek to go “around, over, under, and through.” Whatever it takes, we must be able to see through to the other side and we must be willing to refuse to settle until we are on the other side, where we know we belong.

Live strong and prosper.

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