Becoming Mobile

Categories: Blog Jul 31, 2016

It is really remarkable what pressing reset and restoring the reflexive strength of a person can do. From a teaching vantage point, it is quite wonderful to visually see the changes in range of motion and strength a person discovers. Watching someone rediscover their mobility is beautiful. Not only is the new range of motion evident, but so is the new found joy. When someone who has not performed a squat in a decade suddenly squats all the way to the floor, the doors of hope also suddenly get kicked wide open.

Regaining original strength does so much more than just transform or restore the body. It also restores the soul. Just look at this quote from a friend on Facebook:

"Original Strength has changed my life. It has restored peace and joy in my life... Eventually it will help restore my wrist. So thankful." - Facebook friend

Peace and joy - perhaps the most coveted objects of our desire besides health. I don't know where my friend was mentally, but I do know when we hurt, when we can't move as we know we should, when we fear age, our mind and emotions can turn to dark places. Feeling stuck, trapped, doomed, or whatever can turn "bright blue skies" into "dark, cloudy storms" that constantly occupy our minds. There is something so freeing about feeling healthy and strong, about being able to move and being pain free. This freedom is often experienced as peace, joy, and hope.

A body that can move well is tied to a mind that can also move well. A body that is limited and restricted is usually tethered to a mind that is bound and confound. If this is true, and I believe it is, just as much as we were made to move, we were made to have peace and joy. Our bodies and souls/minds are connected and truly come together as one.

This relationship is also a two way street. Just as a good, fluid moving body can help create a good, fluid moving mind, a good fluid moving mind can help create a good fluid moving body. This also means a mind that wrestles with despair can also create a body of limitation. Unfortunately, a mind that wrestles with storms is a mind that becomes strong at wrestling with storms.... I think this is where pressing reset with the physical body can be so powerful; it creates the opportunity for the a ray of light to peak through some pretty dark storm clouds.

It creates the opportunity for peace.

Anyway, health (strength) is mind and body. They are often wrongly thought of as two parts that can be separated, like the yolk and the egg white. Unfortunately just like the egg, they were never meant to be separated (You need the yolk, you need the white...) because they are one.

All of this to say, just as my friend on Facebook pointed out, pressing reset offers far more than just physical benefits and results. It also restores the fluidity and mobility of the mind through peace and joy. And that is priceless.

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