Crawling in Yoga

Categories: Blog Apr 27, 2016

Dr. Melissa West, host of Namaste Yoga, real yoga for real people, has made a video for us where she decided to test how crawling effects breathing. From what she found, crawling did improve her breathing. This is pretty cool as breathing comes well before crawling in the developmental sequence, and everything else for that matter! This is cool, but not too surprising. If you follow OS, you know that a reset is a reset. Any of the Big 5 Resets can improve a person's ability to perform the other resets. There is no particular order that the resets need to be performed.

All of this to say, when you are pressing reset, if there is a particular reset that you seem to struggle with, perhaps spend more time on the other resets and come back to the one that was an issue and see if it is any better. I have witnessed people who could not roll become able to roll within minutes of crawling around on the floor. For whatever reason, crawling "flipped the reset switch" with more weight than trying to roll was able to accomplish.

Yes, you can reset a reset. Crawling may improve the way you roll. Rolling may improve the way you crawl. There really is no algorithm that matters when it comes to pressing reset. There is only you that matters; your body and your nervous system. Hopefully you know by now, that a reset, can improve the way you move and feel. Resets, themselves, are just movements. If rolling improves the way you move, rolling could potentially improve the way you are able to move your head. Does this make sense?

If you press reset with the Big 5 every day, does this really matter? Nope! But it can be cool information and offer insightful exploration if you like learning from movement and how your body works. This information can also offer freedom from ritualistic reset sessions. You don't have to press reset in any particular order other than the order you desire in the moment. With OS, you are never in a box.

Speaking of not being in a box. There are many variations of the Big 5 resets. In Dr. Melissa's video, she demonstrates a new way to crawl that I think is pretty cool. It's called the gomukhasana crawl. It looks awesome, and it combines crossing midline with crawling. It is a double-dipping crawl! Anyway, you've got to check this out. It could be your new favorite way to crawl. Give it a try and let us know what you think!


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