Cry of The Wild

Categories: Uncategorized May 25, 2014

Animals are pretty fantastic. I have a family of Purple Martins that show up every year in the spring to build their nests on my front porch. Apparently, these birds migrate to Brazil every winter and some how find their way back to Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina every spring. How do they do that? They don't have maps, Tom Toms, or smart phones. Yet every year, they always return to my front porch. It started with two birds a few years ago, now it is up to six birds. They have actually taken over my porch. But, they sure are beautiful. They look like shimmering, acrobatic arrows in the air.

I think animals fascinate all of us. We have zoos, nature documentaries, animal channels, and wildlife parks. We are drawn to watch them move, hunt, play and be. That is what captivates us about animals. We love to watch them "be." That is why we find them so beautiful: animals simply express what they were made to be. Birds sing and fly, cats move with grace, dolphins dance in the ocean, horses radiate poetry and strength, schools of fish move as one body, and bears fight to protect their cubs.

Perhaps the reason we can't help but be fascinated with animals is because we see them express their design. They simply do and live the way they were created to do. That is why we find them beautiful. They express grace, power, beauty, intelligence, instincts, nurturing abilities, speed, and strength. Basically, animals express all of the qualities we were meant to have, yet don't.

In all of creation, we are at the top. If any creature should express the beautiful poetry of movement and abilities, it should be us. Yet many of us are drawn away from living out these expressions because our intellectual power - our arrogance, something the animals don't deceives us. We justify not moving. We have even created a world that makes a life of moving, a life of beautiful physical expression a spectacle rather than a way of life.

Think about it. What do we, as humans, also love to watch other than animals live their lives? We love to watch sports. We love to watch athletes. We are drawn to how they express their grace, power, speed, strength, and beauty. Subconsciously, all of us know it should be us who are moving and playing. It should be us expressing our beautiful poetry of movement - every day. But we don't. So we watch those that do.

We tune in every four years to watch the most gifted, the most talented, and the most graceful athletes in the world during the Olympics. The whole world watches and cheers for these athletes, these few individuals, these beautiful creatures. Know this: The only thing special about these olympians is that they are simply doing what you were created to do. They are simply expressing their design. We were all made to be like them. We were all made to be athletes. We were all made to simply "be" - to express our design, our gifts.

We are fascinated by animals and athletes. Really, we are fascinated by beautiful expression; the way they move, the way they live. Their beauty stops us. It is a stretch to think this, but if we all simply lived the way we were designed, the animals would be fascinated by us. Our beauty would stop them.

Learn to be. Express your design.

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