Do You Need a Do-over?

Categories: Blog Jun 12, 2016

Do you need a do-over? Has something happened to your body or have you done something to your body and you wish you could just go back in time and undo whatever it is you've done? Have you tried pressing reset to undo the damage? It can help. It may give you exactly what you're looking for, but Pressing Reset is not a do-over.

Pressing reset does not erase past injuries. It does not erase the history your body has experienced. It does help you move forward from those things, but it does not magically make them nonexistent, as if they never happened.

We often explain pressing reset with the Big 5 Resets like a button that makes your nervous system work the way it is supposed to, because that is what it does. It "resets" or refreshes your nervous system. Pressing reset takes your body, wherever it may be, or however it may be, and it optimizes where you are in that moment. It helps your next step to become your "best foot forward."

How does pressing reset help you put your best foot forward? Pressing reset optimizes the communication in your nervous system and it sharpens your reflexes. It helps you establish reflexive strength. But it doesn't remove your past. If anything it helps renew your present and it helps establish your future.

Having said that, you should also know that pressing reset will not keep you from getting injured. It will make your body very resilient, but life still may assault you. Life, events in life, will still come after you. Most of these events, you will be able to overcome. Some of them however, may slow you down. If they do, pressing reset may help you recover faster and get you moving again. Again, it takes where you are in the moment and helps you put your best foot forward from there.

The point is, pressing reset isn't magic. I do believe it can be near miraculous, but it isn't magic. It is simply how your body is designed to heal. It is movement. It helps your nervous system communicate well. It helps establish your reflexive foundation to express your movements with strength and with ease. Pressing reset will not make you brand new. But, it may make you better. It may even make you better than new. And, pressing reset won't keep life from happening to you, but it will equip you to happen to life. Did you get that? If you are tied together well, if you have your reflexive strength, if you consistently press reset, you will happen to life. In other words, life will not be able to hide from you.

Oh, there is one more thing pressing reset can do for you. Pressing reset can help you do whatever it is you love to do better. Strength training, competing, swimming, walking, or being - whatever your passion, pressing reset can help you enjoy it better.

Press reset. It is not a do-0ver. It's a do-better.

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