Fear Diminishing

Categories: Stories Aug 13, 2017


Our friend Nenad emailed us with his recent OS RESET observation...

A day or two ago this email from you about the "Secret Sauce" arrived, and it happened to coincide with me thinking something very similar: that OS positively influences my life in ways I could never have imagined.

As I'm writing this, I'm sitting feeling relaxed and my body whole, both obviously a result of an OS "workout" I just did, consisting of the big five + recent movement snacks ("bulletproof your shoulders", “adductor rocking” and what I'd call towel twist, the newest "extreme" roll) ... It feels soooo good.

And more yet... as a result of regular workouts consisting of 2/3 OS and 1/3 karate katas, I'm starting to perceive a sense of power I don't remember I ever knew...

And more... I realize, my body was probably scared for a long, long time... well I've had my load of crap in life since, let's say, 1991...

But now, this fear stored in my body seems to slowly diminish... And, as a result I seem to start to access life differently.

OS is the number one thing keeping me pleasantly surprised the last 2-3 years.

Thanks again, I'll keep you updated!

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