Get In The Game

Categories: Uncategorized Feb 09, 2014

If you have ever been an athlete (and you were born one) that has played in any sport, you know that there is no better feeling than being in the game. No one wants to just sit on the bench and watch from the sidelines. All the action, excitement and joy are out "there" on the field. If you have ever had to watch your team play from the sideline, you know that there is no greater tug, and no greater desperation, than the one that is begging you to go out on the field and play. If you are forced to watch from the sidelines often enough, this yearning to play will eventually turn into despair, disgust, and apathy. After all, if you can't play, if you can't get in the game, what is the point?

There are many reasons athletes never make it out on the field. They may not be fast enough, strong enough, skilled enough, or maybe they are even injured. Whatever the reason it is that keeps an athlete out of the game, they could all be labeled "thieves." They rob the athlete of joy, of life. Let's face it, even if your team wins, but you don't get to play in the game, you are a bit wounded - your joy is not as full because you didn't get to participate. You may be happy for your team, no doubt, and you are glad you got to stand along side of them, but deep inside you are wounded because you didn't actually get to play.

Life is lot like sport in some ways. Maybe that is why we created sports. Anyway, sports were made to be played. Life was made to be lived. In both life and sport, there are spectators, watchers, or pine riders (those that sit on the bench). The truth is though, that the watchers, the spectators, really wish they could play. Even if they can't articulate it, they watch because somewhere deep inside, they long to be involved in the action.

This is where Life is not supposed to be like sport. In life, we are always meant to be in the action, to be in the "game". We were not meant to simply watch life go by, to live vicariously through other people, to watch their lives on TV or to read about them in magazines. The only reason magazines, TV shows, movies and sports are such multi-million dollar industries is because there are too many "dead" people trying to get a life by watching other people's lives. Ever hear of People magazine?

This is wrong. We should be living. We should be creating our own stories, stories that others would want to watch! What is keeping us out of the game? Injury? Fear? Anxiety? Apathy? Depression? Pain? What is it? We were not created for any of these reasons. All of the above possible excuses have no place in us. And all of them can be dealt with somewhat, if not entirely, through movement.

It always comes back to movement. You were created to move. Your body is one big "X", and that X was designed to be strong and resilient so that it could be used to endure and conquer the rigors of the world - so you could live life. It is movement that ties your body together. It is movement that nourishes your brain. It is movement that heals your body and rids your brain of apathy and depression. You were made to live - to be IN life, not to watch it go by.

This is way sports are so popular. Millions of people gather to watch other people move the way all of us were created to move. We are watching people do what we know deep down inside that we should be doing. We are watching people express their potential, their power, their strength, and their joy through movement. In other words, we are watching other people live the life that we should all be living.

All of us were born athletes. Regardless of who you are, or where you are, their is an athlete, a mover, inside of you. There is a tug deep inside of you begging you to get up and engage. You cannot run from these facts. You can deny them or ignore them, but it doesn't make them less true. You were born move. Therefore, you were born to live, to be in the game.

You know this is true.

It's not too late. You can restore the you that you were meant to be. You can move. You can rebuild your original strength. You can decide to get back into the game. You were not meant to ride the pine (the bench).

After all, if you can't live, if you can't get in the game, what is the point?

If you would like to know more about how to restore your body and how you can get back in the game of life, check out one of our workshops, hopefully coming soon to a location close to you. Original Strength is a game changer!

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