Get Up

Categories: Uncategorized Feb 03, 2014

People are resilient. At least they are supposed to be. We were made to move, endure, and carry on. Sometimes we get knocked down. Sometimes we fall. Other times we just get attacked by outside forces. When life throws hurdles at us, or grenades, we really only have one choice: Get Up.

It is the only choice we have. We get up, or we don't. This is a parallel choice for us. What I mean to say is that we physically choose to get up off the ground when we find ourselves there (and this is an invaluable skill to have), or we just sit and do nothing. And, we mentally choose to get up and carry on when things in life get tough, or we just take it and get beat up.

We were all made to get up. This is evident from the first time your parents ever placed you on the floor for tummy time. A child grows and develops by spending all of their time trying to fight gravity in order to get up. Through sheer will, determination and consistent effort, you once learned how to stand and walk around. You never stopped trying. Certainly, you probably got frustrated every now and then, but you never gave up. Your mission was to get up. This mission was led by your mind, but your body manifested the desire. One day, because of this mission, you stood up and you overcame gravity.

A child knows determination. A child knows how to get up, mentally and physically. This desire, this knowledge, is preprogrammed into us. We we not made to sit around, mentally or physically. We were not made to get knocked down for the count. There is a certain level of fight, a drive, that was put in all of us. This is a gift and it highlights the fact that were made to be resilient from the start, mentally and physically.

We get up, or we don't. It is our choice. But it was never supposed to be a choice. There was no decision to be made when you learned how to stand. You stood. It took you months, and you still carried on. You didn't stop. You were driven by relentless desire.

Later, when your parents moved you away from an area they didn't want you to go towards, you would go right back only to be moved again, and again. There was no choice. You didn't know "choice". You had one mission, and no decision to make. The only thing you knew how to do was to keep trying.

We, as adults have a choice a million choices to make every day. But really, a lot off those choices can come down to one choice: Get up, or don't. Whatever the issue, whatever our goal, whatever the event, the choice is usually similar: stand up and keep going, or stop.

If we look at the example of the child, of how we used to be, we can see that we were not made to be quitters. We were not made to stop, to sit, or to lie down and take the world's attacks. We were made to get up, to stand, and to keep going. We were all born with a resilient mindset. This mindset was capable of helping us overcome any obstacle from gravity to baby gates and even overly cautious parents. You can walk today because you refused to quit trying to walk as a child. There is a lesson in there somewhere.

Today, somehow, we have a decision to make. Whatever the issue is, do we keep going or do we stop? Do we get up, or do stay down? Each of us has this decision, but really, once upon a time, this was no decision. We would have all simply gotten up.
Don't let the world beat you down. Don't let your goals fade away. Don't let your fears keep you from going forward. You were made to keep going. You were made to get up.

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