Getting Outside The Box

Categories: Uncategorized Sep 11, 2013

boxSometimes, most of the times, we like to have rules. Rules give us something to go by and something to follow. Rules can be great. However, being stuck in the mindset of having to have rules can limit us in our ability to think and create. For example, when it comes to moving, we do not have a rule book. Many people, however, often ask us for rules when we teach the OS Resets at our workshops. They want to know which reset to do first, or how often should the resets be performed, or whatever.

So, in an effort to let you know that it is okay to play and create and explore, we would like to offer your this quick video about how to take a reset and think outside of the box.


Don't think just because you have never seen something done, there is no reason to explore doing something different. In other words, explore. Explore your movements, explore your thoughts. Get outside of the box and you just find something really cool that could change the world.


Discover more about the benefits of rocking - especially for tight hips, ankles, and feet at our workshops.


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