Having What You Want Now

Categories: Blog May 08, 2016

A wise man, let's call him Dan John, once told me that there is no fast route to anything worthy. If you want to achieve something worth while, like say having good health, there is no magic pill or quick fix. In today's world, a quick fix is the desire. Everyone wants what they want when they want it and usually that means they want what they want now. Now is the time we have to have it, and knowing this, there are plenty of slick marketers out there that will gladly dupe you - they will trade their promise of now for whatever it is you want in exchange for your money.

In the fitness world this is often seen on informercials, web ads, email ads, magazines, and other places. Want to lose fat? Wrap yourself in this special cling wrap. Want to be ripped like the huge chiseled guy in the ad, buy this 4 week program, or eat this special cheese. You get the point, right?

But like Dan said, if it is worthy, if it is worth having, there is no quick route. That is solid wisdom. I'm going to share some of my own wisdom along with Dan's: Having good health, being strong enough to enjoy your life, is worthy. It is certainly worth your while to have good health. And in that phrase, "Worth your while" is the secret to having good health. Your while... While denotes a time frame. While is not instant. However, while can lead to now.

Do you want good health now? Start moving for it now. Deliberately and consistently make good choices here, move a little bit there, spend 5 minutes a day pressing reset, don't eat candy for breakfast today or tomorrow. Slow and steady wins the race, right? While you can, move your body today, tomorrow, and every tomorrow after that. By the way, now floats. It floats from moment to moment. If you really want good health now, move towards it now. Eventually and suddenly what you have been working towards will arrive. And one day you will have what you want in a moment called "now." That's the quick fix.

If you have a health goal, or desire, the quickest way to achieve it is to move towards it moment by moment, decision by decision, action by action. It may take you 60 days, it may take you 8 years, it may even take you 20 years. It doesn't matter how long it takes as long as it comes. The slowest route you could possibly take is to go for quick fixes and gimmicks that simply won't produce results. This makes your goal take longer to be realized.

Is your goal to be strong and healthy? Press reset today, and every "today" you have. Go for walks, pick up things that have weight to them, take the stairs, eat something green, do whatever it is that requires your effort and time to get you where you want to be. Be deliberate and consistent. It's not gimmicky, it's not fancy, and it won't cost you a great deal of money, but It is worth your while.

Let me help you get started. Having a healthy vestibular system is essential for having health. You can strengthen and sharpen your vestibular system by performing head nods. Every morning when you wake up, perform 20 neck nods. Simply lie on your belly, prop yourself up on your arms, place your tongue on the roof of your mouth, close your mouth, and raise your noggin (your head) up and down. Move it as far as it will let you go, without moving into pain. Again, do this every day when you wake. It will take you about 30 seconds. Done every day, maybe even a few times a day, over time you will move better, have better balance and better coordination. It is this simple.

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