Head Control

Categories: Blog Mar 27, 2016

The essence of strength is control. There are different types of strength, but control is at the root of all of them. Control is being able to move your body the way you want to move it. Control is being able to move your mind in ways to shape the world around you. It is being free to express your thoughts and movements as poetry. Control is freedom to move and freedom to think.

Without control we can become prisoners in our own bodies and slaves to our own thoughts. Not being able to move the way we want to, the way we should be able to, is like only seeing a picture of the coast but never being able to feel the sand and water run between your toes. You are aware of the beauty that exist but you have no concept of experiencing the beauty with your senses. To know a photograph is not the same of being in the experience. Seeing others move the way we want to, knowing the potential of our capability, but never experiencing it for ourselves is like being in a cage.

Similarly, not being able to control our thoughts is to be controlled by our thoughts. Thoughts of fear, loss, worry, hatred - they can consume and imprison our minds. They can bury our creativity, our focus, and our intelligence. They can keep us so narrow minded that instead of being able to even see a picture of the coast, we may only be able to see the dirty froth foam brought up by the waves. Such a narrow view itself could limit us from ever enjoying the true experience of wanting to hear how the waves sing and applaud as they roll across the shore.

Again, the essence of strength is control. And control, the root of our strength, gives birth to freedom, in body and mind. This root of control begins and ends with the head. If we cannot control our head, physically or mentally, we have no balance, no coordination, and no stability in either our brain or our body.

Can you see the parallels?

In order to have complete control of how our body moves, we must have head control. We have to be able to move our heads well if we want to move our bodies well. Every muscle in your body is connected to how your head moves. Every muscle in your body is affected by how your head moves. Head movement - head control - is essential to having control over the body. You have often heard, "where the head goes, the body will follow." What does the body do if the head cannot and does not go anywhere? What does the body do if the muscles that support and facilitates the movements of the head are too weak or too neglected to control where the head sits? If freedom of movement and strength are something you treasure, the treasure hunt begins with learning and owning the movements of your noggin.

But then there is the mind. The mind, the "inside" of your head, leads and determines your strength just as the movements of your head do. In fact, your thoughts are the "movements" of your head, and they certainly lead you and build, or destroy, your strength. Unfortunately learning how to move and control you head physically could be easier than controlling your mind. The mind is vast. Inside there are things like focus, will power, discipline, desires, knowledge, and wisdom. There may be plethora of these in your head, or a lack of them, or worse, their opposites may reside in your head. Learning to control the mind can be more complicated, but it can also be as simple as making decisions and resolutions, one at a time. Deciding who you want to be, what you want to do and being resolute on getting there will help you control your mind and even lead your body. You should be able to control your thoughts and not let your thoughts control you.

Do you want to be strong, healthy? Do you want to have control over your body, your success, your emotions? If you do, you must have control of your head. Learn how to move your head. Learn how to hold it level with the horizon, the way it is designed to be held. Learn how to control your mind, how to also "set your gaze", your thoughts, on the horizon of life that you want to see yourself in. This too, is where your thoughts were designed to be held; set on a good outcome and future for your life.

Strength, coordination, stability, balance, destiny - they are all rooted in the ability to move and control your head.


Just to give you some ideas on how to move your head, here is a video we made a while back...

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