How to Crawl

Categories: Uncategorized Sep 04, 2013

We get a great deal of emails asking us about crawling. Many of these emails are simply asking about the differences between spider-man crawling and leopard crawling. Others ask things about where the head should be, or where the butt should be. Most people often comment, "I sure wish you guys had a video so I could just see what crawling is supposed to look like."

Well, we have heard you - finally. Just kidding. We've heard you all along, I am just slow at this whole "technological possibilities" world that we live in. I am coming around though. Anyway, while we do have an Original Strength DVD/Video coming out soon that will answer many of your crawling questions in detail, we have made this small Youtube video that may help you out in the meantime.

Notice the head, back and butt position in these crawls. Regardless of whether you are baby crawling, leopard crawling, or spider-man crawling, those positions should be pretty constant and consistent in each of the different types of crawls - EXCEPT bear crawls. We don't teach bear crawls. We teach crawls that build your reflexive strength, crawls that make you stronger and more resilient.

Anyway, If I can add anymore tips about crawling, it would be this: use your imagination. Your imagination is a powerful tool when it comes to moving the way you were created to move. If you want to crawl like a leopard, imagine what I leopard looks like, imagine that you are a leopard. If you want to crawl like spider-man, pretend you are spider-man. Your body will start to move like it sees your imagination move. This is powerful! Don't dismiss this simple, effective tool.

We hope the video helps! Thank you for reading, and watching!

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