How to Explore the Turkish Getup to Regain your Reflexive Strength

Categories: Uncategorized Oct 06, 2013


Sometimes, we just need to explore what our bodies can do. After all, this is how a child grows, develops and learns. It is the exploration of movement that can restore, renew, and recreate the bodies that we were born to have.

If the only movement, or non-movement, we are intimately familiar with is sitting, we will never be anything more than soft lumps of flesh that are plagued with movement issues and emotional issues. It is the exploration of movement that brings health, strength, focus, creativity, and joy. A life without movement is simply an existence.

In today's blog, we offer a video about how you can explore a simple movement, The Turkish Getup, in order to build a resilient and healthy body. A body that is strong enough to allow you to enjoy your life.

You don't have to only explore the getup. You can explore any movement. The point is to take time and learn how and where your body can move. Where can your body take you? Where can you take your body?

You were made to be strong. DO NOT SETTLE for anything less.

To learn more about what your body can do, check out our books, or look for a workshop near you.

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