It’s Your Approach

Categories: Blog Feb 03, 2016

I was recently re-reading the classic book, Think And Grow Rich, by Napoleon Hill. Hill was commissioned by Andrew Carnegie, who at one time was the richest man in the world, to write down the laws of success. (That’s the short story.) I tried reading this about 10 or so years ago and never made it through it - it was too “woo-woo” for me at the time.

The one thing I couldn’t get past was his claim that “thoughts are things.” Real, tangible things that do more than just live in your head.

It seemed to contradict my faith at the time.

Fast-forward 10 plus years, and not only does it not contradict my faith, I find it actually affirms it. The book of Proverbs says, “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he” (Prov. 23:7).

And modern day science has actually validated Hill’s assertion. Dr Caroline Leaf, in her book, Switch On Your Brain, goes into great detail about the reality of your thoughts and how they have the power to activate/de-activate your genes and regulate gene expression (epigenetics).

What’s all this have to do Original Strength?


You can’t see your thoughts.

And you can’t see faith either.

Faith is the assurance of things hoped for, and the certainty of things unseen.

However, you can see the results of both your thoughts and your faith.

Look around at your life.

Everything that is in it (or not) is a result of your thoughts (and to an extent, your faith), which ultimately determine your attitude. And your attitude determines your life.

Crawling around on the floor like a baby in order to set yourself free from movement dysfunction?

In order to overcome the “I feel stupid doing this” feeling, you need a measure of faith.

Don’t have it or can’t find it?

You won’t reap the benefits.

Like your thoughts, OS works from the inside out too.

Long story very short, OS reorganizes and resets how your brain operates (neuroplasticity) which then in turn manifests itself in your body as decreased movement resistance and increased movement efficiency.

That means you get back range of motion and strength you lost, and you end up being able to do cool things that you’ve never done before nor even practiced (in my case, that would be bar muscle ups).

Does it look silly?


Does it “work?”

Test it for yourself and see.

Just remember, it requires a measure of faith.

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