Just ONE Thing

Categories: Blog Apr 06, 2016

There’s always a funny question the inevitably pops up when it comes to working out - if you could only do - or were only able to do (for whatever reason) just one thing - one exercise - what would it be?

I think the same thing can be asked of the RESETs.

“If you could only do one, which would it be…?”

Well, the answer all depends… on you.

To determine that answer, you need to have performed the RESETs relatively often to see how your body responds and to have tested it out.

From there, you can make your determination.


Well, it really all depends on what I’m doing.

For awhile it was Neck Nods. They were a very powerful, big-bang-for-your-buck RESET for me. Sometimes, they still are, depending no how much I’ve been sitting.

Then, there was loaded crawling. HEAVY loaded crawling. 200 pounds of chain. I’d feel great after that. Then, it became “easy.”

Then, it was Elevated Rocking.

That was THE MONEY and seemed to clear up one of my final and last nagging issues.


There isn’t any one RESET.

They all feel good and all have benefit.

I just bias one over the other on any given day based on how I’m feeling.

BUT… It takes awhile to get to this point. (Took me 6 years.)

And you shouldn’t rush it.

You should enjoy the journey of recapturing your ability to move like you were made to move - like a child - fluid, supple, and resilient.

Don’t limit yourself to “just one” RESET.

Enjoy them all!

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