May Day, May Day, May Day!

Categories: Uncategorized Apr 30, 2014

MAYDAY, MAYDAY, MADAY! That is the international sound, or alert, for "Help!" AND, May Day is a holiday, or it used to be, that celebrates the beginning of warmth and light. Mayday and May Day sound exactly the same, yet one is a cry from help out of darkness and the other is a shout for joy into the light. Does that seem odd, or just "neat", to anyone?

Maybe it is just a weird coincidence. Mayday alarms come from people running away from fears and darkness and May Day celebrations emanate from people celebrating warmth, love and light. So, what kind of "May Day" person are you? Do you shrink down and lower your head from fears and worry, or do you rise up, lift your head and embrace the life you've been given?

I ask because many people walk around with their heads held down. The cares of the world, family life, work life, financial life, etc, seem to weigh many of us down. And this "weight" is often expressed in how we move, how we walk, and how we hold our heads.

But here is the thing: We were made to hold our heads up, so we can see the world. We were made to live and enjoy life. Did you know that your body is designed to follow your head? Yep. Where the head goes, the body will follow. If the head flexes down, the body is inclined to flex. If the head extends up, the body is inclined to extend. Walking around with our heads held down, is like walking around in flexion, like literally shrinking away from the world. Walking around with our heads held up, is like walking proudly, tall and "open", ready to live life to the fullest.

In Original Strength, we talk about how head control is vital to having our reflexive strength, the strength we were born to have. Without head control, we can never truly be as strong as we were meant to be. In a weird way, head control, or how we live our lives carrying our head, reflects this in life. How we carry our heads displays whether or not we are defeated or we are victorious, whether we are fearful or whether we are bold.

We were made to be bold.

If you don't have control of your head, you may be missing out on more than just your original strength, you may be missing out on life. Physically mastering control of your head could actually help you see the world through a different lens, the lens of a conqueror. It is a stretch to be sure, but sometimes we need to be stretched...

If you haven't been doing head nods, you should give them a try. You owe it to yourself to relearn how to move your head in all the ways it was meant to move. It will definitely restore your body's strength, but it may also help you walk tall and experience the world in a new light - a light that shouts for celebrations like May Day does.

It is May Day, not mayday. Lift up your head and celebrate. AND, if you do find yourself in a real mayday situation, keep looking up.

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