Movement For All

Categories: Uncategorized Feb 23, 2014

When you think of movement, what do you imagine?  Running? Dancing? A lioness on the prowl?  The pitter patter of a toddlers feet?  Birds soaring through the sky?  Leaves blowing in the wind?  Waves crashing over the ocean?

Movement is everywhere, and is meant to be everywhere.  Yet, while there is movement all around us, we humans tend to minimize it.  Why is that? Culture?  Laziness?  Innovation?  Disease? Disabilities?
I'm sure we all can come up with a million excuses of why we don't move as much as we should, but the real point is, that movement is everywhere and for everyone, no matter where we are in life and what opportunities life has presented us with.


Enter Jacob.

Jacob is almost 18 years old and was diagnosed with cerebral palsy when he was an infant.  While he may be in a wheel chair for a large part of his day, Jacob truly understands how freeing movement can be.

Jacob and I began working together this Summer/Fall 2013 by integrating Original Strength into his life 2-3x a week.  He had never crawled or rolled, or climbed before.  Jacob came in eager to try whatever I asked of him, and came out ready to go.  He does not let his condition slow him down, and he always has a smile on his face.

In the last 5 months, Jacob has gained more head control than he's ever had in his life, has crawled and established a contra-lateral pattern that was essentially non-existent when we began, he has laughed while we egg roll, head roll, and just fun roll all over the mats, and he has even begun to make strides at giving himself further independence in his everyday life.  Things like getting comfortable in his bed by moving his pillow around and even tasks like getting in and out of his bed have given Jacob hope, and freedom.

So why are we sharing this story with you today (other than the fact that we absolutely love Jacob and are inspired by him each time we see him move, and do such incredible things)?

Here at Original Strength we believe that movement can set you free.  We believe that movement is for everyone. And we believe  that movement can give you hope, and joy, and many, many things.

That being said, the Original Strength System, may look different on each individual and we believe, that is part of the beauty of this system. Original Strength really is FOR EVERYONE.  [Not sure what we mean?  Or Want to know how Original Strength can help you, a loved one, or a client/patient of yours?  Ask us.]

Jacob may not crawl or rock exactly the way we teach in a workshop, but we can tailor the movements to his needs.

In the video below, Jacob shows us some rolling, a bit of commando crawling, and what we like to call, 'Jacob's Get Up' in which he added a fun little move that he has been working on which has him getting up off of his knees.

Interested in learning more about how Original Strength can help your loved one that has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, muscular dystrophy, or multiple sclerosis?  Contact Dani Almeyda at


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