Tim's Weekly Movement Routine

Categories: Blog May 22, 2016

Every once in a while I will get questions about how I train for my own physical health. Today, I thought I’d share my routine with you. Before I do, you must know that I train in seasons. What I mean is my routine changes from one period of time to another. My seasons may last two weeks, or they may last 16 weeks. About every week or two I may get curious about a movement and begin to implement it into my routine. Consequently, I may also let go of a movement that I am getting bored with.

With that in mind, I am going to show you my current routine as of this week and/or season that I am in.


Every morning around 6:00 am, I press reset:

20 cross-crawls
20 standing superman (there is a youtube video somewhere about these)
head nods and head rotations for about 30 seconds while lying on my belly
elbow rolls and hip flexor rolls (again, there are videos of these)
Windshield wiper rolls
Rocking on hands and feet
Breathing in a squat

This may all take about 5 minutes. It usually depends if I get lost in thought or not….


Mondays and Thursdays:

In the morning around 6:10 am:

A1 - 10 goblet squats with 32K
A2 - 10 -12 handstand pushups on blocks to allow my head to go past my hands
A3 - 10 -12 pullups

I repeat this for 7 rounds

B - I march around the neighbor hood with indian clubs for 20 minutes. Sometimes with a 40 pound backpack, sometimes without.

In the mid-day around 11:00 am:

A - Sandbag getups with an 84 pound sandbag, 3 reps per side before switching x 10 minutes
B - Overhead bottoms-up carries with a 28K kettelbell, covering 13 yards per hand, back and forth x 10 minutes


Tuesdays and Fridays:

In the morning around 6:10 am:

A - Fast arms and feet (think exaggerated, fast marching - as if the ground is lava) 20 yards down, walk back x 10 minutes
B - Weighted backpack walk with 40 pound pack x 30 minutes

In the mid-day around 12:00 pm:

A - I attach two 50 foot ropes to both ends of a sled weighing 260 to 330 pounds depending on how excited I am, then I pull the sled towards me. When the sled gets to me, I cross-crawl or march to other rope and pull it back. I do this for 10 minutes.

NOTE: it’s not the weight that matters here as much as the drag. Different sleds and surfaces create different frictions…..

B1 - I beat a tire with a 20 pound sledge hammer moving from right to left, back and forth with every blow x 20 hits.
B2 - I perform 3 pullups.

I repeat this for 10 minutes.


Wednesday and Saturdays:

Whenever I can….

A - VersaClimber x 10 minutes
B - Power Cleans with 135 to 155 x 7 sets of 5 to 7
C - plyometric squat jumps x 7 sets of 10

I’ll probably go for a walk on these days too……


This is my current weekly routine, for the current season that I am in. Power Cleans and sandbag getups are the things I am playing with now. They seem fun for the time being. Two weeks from now, my routine may look very different. Everyday of the week, I walk/hike/march for 20 to 30 minutes. That is my bread and butter. I also sprinkle in 5 to 10 minutes of “ground play” almost every day; to learn and explore….

Please know that I do not think my routine to be special or superior to anyone’s training regiment. I only do this for me, and there are three simple reasons I do this:

  1. I enjoy it.

  2. It gives me freedom to explore and learn.

  3. I know it works - for me.

So, for those of you who have asked, here it is my current movement routine! For those of you who really don’t care how I move through the week, thanks for reading anyways! If nothing else, I hope it inspires ideas for you to try.

Have a great week, everyone!

Comments (1)

  1. Brent:
    Nov 19, 2022 at 12:41 PM

    Tim, this is so cool. I would love to see what you are doing now-a-days in terms of setup. This is a grest way to give some fresh ideas!


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