Original Strength Starts Where You Are

Categories: Uncategorized Nov 13, 2013


We often get questions about Original Strength and the resets that deal with limitations. For example: "What if a person can't crawl because they have tender wrists?" , or "What about someone who cannot raise their head up when they are rocking, are there other mobility drills that person can do when the resets are too hard?"

Sometimes these questions stem from limitations. Other times these questions stem from Original Strength, as a system, being too simple to grasp onto firmly. What I mean by that is that we live in a world where complexity and impatience rule the day. If results aren't immediate, or if discomfort is present, we want to upgrade to a better internet connection or seek out another method. Whatever the reason for the questions, the answer is usually the same: Original Strength starts where you are at.

If you or your client have trouble performing a certain reset due to discomfort, pain, or limited mobility, that is okay. That is where you are at. The resets have regressions. Babies don't hit the ground crawling. They work their way up to crawling. You too, may have to work your way up to crawling, or even rolling. You simply start where your body will allow you to start. It is okay if you cannot baby crawl. I'll bet you can do a regression of crawling. I'll bet that regression will build you up and enable you to crawl very soon.

Original Strength belongs to you. You were born to build and develop it. Depending on your body and the lifestyle that you have led to this point, you may simply have to perform bits and pieces (regressions) of some of the resets before you can perform the seemingly simple resets as laid out in the book. Again, that is okay, if not great. No matter where your body is, you can meet it with a reset, or a regression of a reset, and you can build the body you were meant to have.

Which brings up another point. Yes, we live in a microwave society. You know what? That is not true anymore. Microwaves are now too slow for us. We live in an instant - point and click - society. We want "magic" now. Anyway, the resets, for many of you reading this, are instant. However, for some of you, they are not. Again, depending on where you are in your life, where your body is, and how far away you have "moved" from the movements and strength you once built and then let fade away, the resets may take time. It could take you four weeks to open up your thoracic spine with rolling around on the floor. Is that too long after twenty years of being stuck in poor, hunched over posture? No. It is a pretty good trade off, if you ask me.

Perhaps though, the problem is not as much an issue of time and wanting something now as it is that OS is simple. That is a huge problem for many people. OS is too simple. We often think seemingly complicated problems, issues and limitations need equally complicated, if not overly complicated solutions. This is an area where OS can disappoint a lot of people. There is nothing complicated about it. It is so simple a child can do it without being taught to do it. It is so simple we will dismiss it.

Don't make this mistake. It is often the simple things in life that bring the most joy, results, relief, and breakthroughs. Many of you reading this right now know exactly what I am talking about. Many of you have spent years, dollars, and immeasurable mental energy, trying to relieve low back pain or a stiff shoulder. And much to your surprise and bewilderment, something as simple as rocking on all fours probably relieved you of your back and/or shoulder discomfort. Just because something is simple, just because something cannot be explained through fancy or complicated science talk doesn't mean it cannot work. If anything, it is a gift. Yes, Simplicity is a gift that we often refuse to grab hold of.

Again, you were designed to move a certain way. Your body was made to be fluid, graceful, strong, powerful and resilient. No matter who you are, no matter what your condition, you were made to move. All of us were. However, not all of us will start off in the same place. Some of us will have to take two steps back, some of us can take 3 leaps forward. It doesn't matter. You were made to have your original strength and Original Strength starts where you are at right now.

What can your body do? Start there. Be patient. Be expectant. You are where you are, but you can be miles and miles beyond that if you simply, consistently, press reset.

If you would like to know more about starting where you are, or where your clients are, we encourage you to try to come to a workshop and learn how to use the regressions. Yes they are overly simple, but that is why people often miss them or skip them. Simple does not mean powerless or ineffective. With the reset regressions, it means quite the opposite.

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