
Categories: Blog Feb 28, 2016

In OS, we often talk about pressing RESET as an analogy for starting over, or restoring the body. But truly, the idea of pressing reset goes far beyond being limited to the body. Kind of…

What if you had the ability to press reset in other areas of your life? Well, you do.

For example, have you ever heard the phrase, “Pride before the fall?” I think a better phrase might be, “Pride is the fall.” Anyway, pride can ruin your life. It sabotages relationships, it keeps us from becoming who we were meant to be, and it creates perverted deceptions that we know as reality.

Pride is the root of many of our problems. Has anyone ever made you mad? Have you allowed an argument with your spouse to ruin a good night’s sleep? Better yet, have you allowed an argument with your spouse to ruin a good relationship? How do people make us mad? Do they offend us? Do they disagree with us? Do they cut us off in traffic? The nerve of some people, don’t they understand who we are?

My point is, pride can destroy us. It creeps in, and convinces us that we have been wronged by someone, or it convinces us that we are superior to others for reasons we can’t even explain. Listen to me, if you have a problem with someone, if you are bitter towards someone, or if you are flat out angry at someone, it is probably your fault and your pride is probably fueling your thoughts regarding that person. You need to press reset. You need to forgive and let go.

You cannot hide what you hold inside. If you are bitter or angry, it shows. Not only does it effect the object, the relationship, of your bitterness, but it effects you as well, and everyone around you knows it. You express what you hold inside your heart. Your physical movements, your posture, and your attitude - they all express what you feel and what you think inside your heart. You may think you can conceal your anger, or hide your hatred, but it still permeates the world around you and infects it.

Look at the reverse. Ever see someone light up an entire room when they enter it? A person filled with joy can change the entire atmosphere of a room once they step inside. Conversely, a person filled with bitterness can suck the life right out of a room when they enter it. Why? You express what you hold inside.

Pride is a root of bitterness. And, pride is generally our choice. We can choose to be prideful, we can choose to be angry, we can choose to be sour and bitter. But that means we can also press reset because we can choose to let go and forgive. We can choose to lay aside our ego and value our relationships. We can go to bed in our spouse’s arms vs going to bed on the couch in another room - IT IS A CHOICE. Choice is our reset.

Like it or not, we are typically the source of our problems. Either because of the pride we keep inside or because of the choices we choose to make - choices often tinted with pride. Do you need to press RESET? Is there a relationship you need to restore. Is there a friend you need to forgive? Is there a friend you need to ask for forgiveness from?

We were made to move, but not just physically. We were made to move forward in life. Hanging on to the negative things in our lives is like falling backwards, or being stuck. Are you able to move forward? Stop and think. What is TRULY important? What REALLY matters? Press RESET. Take a deep breath. Let go of pride. Choose to only hold love in your heart. Again, like it or not, whatever is in there, you will express it. Light up a room. Light up the world.

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