A Quick Reflexive Strength Self-Test

Categories: Blog Nov 27, 2016

Have you ever wondered if you have your reflexive strength? You know, have you been sitting around work thinking to yourself, "Original Strength talks a lot about having reflexive strength. They say it is our movement foundation. I wonder if I have mine."

Well, if that is you, there is a simple test you can take that may give you a big clue as to whether or not you have your reflexive strength. Don't worry, this test isn't for a grade. It is just to help you determine the state of your reflexive strength.

And here it is: The Squat. More specifically, the sitting on your haunches squat, or the butt to calves squat. Now before you get all upset, this is just one simple test you can do, and this test is not for everyone. If squatting hurts you or causes pain, then perhaps this isn't your test. However, if you have no fear of squatting, this could be a good indicator for you as to whether or not you have a good foundation of reflexive strength.

Ok, here is how you perform the test: Squat down as far as you can. (Rough test, I know)

  • Are you able to "sit" comfortably, all the way down, butt to calves? If so, there is a good chance you have a decent amount of reflexive strength!

  • Do you need to hold on to something to sit all the way down? Or, did you almost fall or fall over as you tried to squat? If so, there is a good chance you probably don't have your reflexive strength.

That's it. That's the test. If you can sit and hangout in the bottom of the squat, without struggling while keeping your spine tall and your chest up, you've got a pretty good foundation of reflexive strength.

[caption id="attachment_28255" align="alignnone" width="300"]Can you hang out here and maybe gaze up at the stars? Can you hang out here and maybe gaze up at the stars?[/caption]

If you struggle to get low, if you fall over, if you need something to hold on to, or if you are fighting to stay in the squat and you can't keep your spine from flexing forward, you could be lacking your reflexive strength.

[caption id="attachment_28253" align="alignnone" width="200"]Or, does this happen when you try to squat? Or, does this happen when you try to squat?[/caption]

What does it mean if you can't sit comfortably in your squat, or if you don't have your reflexive strength? Well, it may mean many things to you, like your body is not as free to express the mobility you may desire or the strength you may want to have. It may be an indicator that you don't move as often as you should. Whatever it means, the biggest thing you should know is that you can regain and restore your reflexive strength. The wonderful thing about losing things is having the opportunity to find them. Just because you may not have your reflexive strength today does not mean you cannot find it tomorrow. It really all depends on what you do today...

Oh, how do you regain or find your reflexive strength again? That's simple. Press RESET. Get down on the floor and remember how to breathe, roll and/or rock on all fours. Not only can you find your lost reflexive strength, you may even find the remote control under the couch. Getting down on the floor saves lives and relationships! Some of you will get that.

Remember, this test isn't for everyone. And, it is not fool-proof. However, it will give you a good indication of whether or not you have your reflexive strength. Oh, and also remember, you can find what you've lost. As long as you're willing to look for it....

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