Rest and Digest

Categories: Uncategorized Dec 18, 2013

Did you know that when you are at rest, you can digest? Did you also know that when you can rest AND digest, your metabolism can function properly? And, when your metabolism is functioning properly, because you are able to rest and digest, your body composition (your lean muscle to body fat ratios) is probably exactly where you want it to be. Did you know this?

Why am I telling you this? Because many people seek to lose weight, they seek to lose body fat, but they never seek to live in the promise land of "Rest and Digest". Most people walk around living in the desert of "Fight or Flight." When we are in fight or flight mode, we cannot rest and digest. In fact, fight or flight mode is reserved for fighting and flighting - self preservation. When the body is concerned with self preservation, it is not concerned with lean muscle mass to body fat ratios!

Again, the majority of people walk around living in fight or flight mode every day of their lives. How? Well, for one thing, they breathe using their emergency breathing muscles, the muscles of the rib cage and neck, instead of using their intended breathing muscle, the diaphragm. The "emergency breathing" muscles are to be reserved for emergencies - when we need to fight, or flight. The diaphragm is supposed to be used for breathing in everyday, restful, life.

The consequence of living in the land of "Fight or Flight" is that we also reap it's intended wonderful benefits - constantly. Fight or flight mode should not be a bad place to be, when we need to be there. Unfortunately, many of us are always there. The hazard of living in a land that you are only supposed to visit out of necessity is that you end up living in a perpetual emergency. A state of elevated stress hormones, muscle tension, shortness of breath, low energy, INFLAMMATION (AKA fat), acid reflux, high blood pressure, diabetes, insert any other negative health issue you would like here.....

We are meant to live in the land of "Rest and Digest". If we barely even remember what this "land" looks like, how can we ever expect to eat of it's fruits - like good digestion, low body fat levels, low stress levels, endless energy, peace filled sleep, and a healthy immune system. Basically, living in rest and digest mode allows us to obtain a globally healthy, vibrant body.

So, we know that breathing is crucial to obtaining and keeping our original strength. It is also a key element to living a healthy, non-stressed, non-inflammatory life (thats just another way to say breathing is key to having original strength!).

Watch this video for a very simple exercise you can do to help regain the breath you are supposed to have:

That is a simple exercise, right? It is weird, I know. Something as simple as breathing could be the key element to helping a person let go of body fat. That is because body fat is a symptom, not the issue. When we start regaining our original strength through regaining the movements, and breaths, we used to have, we start addressing the issue that causes the symptom. Losing body fat, and feeling good is a side effect of living the life we were meant to live.

If you would like to know more about how to regain your Original Strength, check out our book and / or look for a workshop near you!

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