Rock a Bye

Categories: Uncategorized Apr 09, 2014

In the Original Strength system, one of the most powerful resets is rocking. I have seen countless people discover hope that their body can regain it's mobility and strength from simply getting down on the floor and rocking back and forth on their hands and knees. Rocking can truly restore a broken body. It can make a person whole.

We were all meant to be whole. But not just in body. We are more than just bodies. We also have minds and emotions, which are not really separate from our bodies. For example, our emotions impact our movements. And, our movements impact our emotions. When children skip they smile. When people hurt, they frown. Our bodies are not separate from our thoughts, or our emotions, and vice versa.

This brings me back to rocking. Rocking does not just connect your shoulders to your hips and it doesn't just help restore your posture. It helps restore "you." Rocking is also a reset for the mind and the emotions. It can calm you, soothe you.

You know this is true. What do all loving parents do to try to soothe their crying babies? They rock them, the sway with them. What do emotionally aggravated, or emotionally disabled children do to try and calm themselves? They rock. Intuitively, we have always known that rocking calms the emotions. We have always known that rocking is a reset for the soul.

Do you remember the "good ole days" when people used to have rocking chairs and swings on their front porch? Yes, people used to sit outside and rock, and talk, and rest, and smile. We once made furniture designed to rock us and it allowed us to "relax" and enjoy the day. This is one type of sitting that had value. Rocking back and forth in a chair helped people soothe themselves and melt away their stress. It also nourished their vestibular systems and allowed them to think with clear thoughts. Rocking chairs actually helped people solve problems because the gentle back and forth movement stimulated the brain.

Why am I telling you this? Because you are more than just moving parts. Everything about you is interconnected. You have a body designed to grow your mind and you have a mind designed to feed your body. You were made to move in such a way that movement itself restores everything about you.

Perhaps on of the most powerful things about Original Strength is not that the resets restore your reflexive strength, but they actually restore your brain, your mind, and your emotions. It would actually be impossible for the resets to only restore your reflexive strength. If you have your reflexive strength, you are going to move well and feel good. If you move well and feel good, you are going to be happy, you are going to have peace. If you have peace, you do not have anxiety, fear, or worry. If your reflexive strength is restored, then all of you is on your way to being restored. The resets do not just restore your body. They help restore the "whole" you.

Rocking is not just for babies. If movement is life, and it is, then you were made for the rhythmic flow of life at every age. Press reset every day. Roll, rock, sway, dance, and play. Nourish your brain, heal your body, and soothe your soul.

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