Strength10Me @ Work

Categories: Blog Sep 11, 2016

A while ago, we introduced the Strength10Me Challenge, or you could think of it as the Strengthen Me for 10 minutes challenge. Most of us do have ten minutes in our day to devote to deliberate movement. However, not all of us manage our time well, and to be honest, sometimes time manages us rather than us managing time.

After we wake in the morning, the race is on. We get ourselves ready for the day, we find our children, let them out, feed the pets breakfast, take our kids to the bus stop, then rush off to sit in traffic on our way to work. Many of us find ourselves at work before we have even had time to think any clear thoughts about the day. From the moment we wake, we are playing catch-up. Because of this, if we had ten minutes to devote to moving, we've probably lost it, or we will. Let's face it, after work is over, the race is on again. Driving home in traffic, rushing to let the kids in, taking the pets to ball practice, feeding everyone dinner, putting the kids to bed, giving a courtesy nod to the spouse, collapsing into bed.... Our lives can be hectic.

Even in the midst of all of our craziness, I do think we still have 10 minutes to move towards health and strength. And, I think we could even find this time while we are at work. Especially if we break up our ten minutes into smaller easier to find, or easier to set aside, times.

Here is a very simple reset routine to do while you are at work. It is divided up into 5 two minute breaks (collectively, that's 10 minutes - just in case you needed help). What if every hour you set aside two minutes to press reset? If you did this in 5 two minute sessions, you would have covered all 5 resets and given your body and brain some much needed movement.

This is what it might look like:

Hour 1 - Breathe deliberately with your diaphragm for two minutes. You can do this in your chair, you can do this in the rest room (breathe quietly if in the rest room), you can do this in the break room or the stair well. Just be deliberate and breathe deep into your belly, In and out through your nose.

Hour 2 - Nod your head up and down, for one minute, then left and right for one minute. Again, this can be done almost anywhere at work. Heck, if you are talented, and you should be, you can even practice your diaphragmatic breathing AGAIN while you do this.

Hour 3 - Roll for two minutes. OK, I know I've already lost you here, but wait. What if you could roll standing up? You can, kind of. Just stand up, look over your shoulder and rotate your body as much as you can. Then turn your head and look over your other shoulder while allowing your spine and hips to rotate under year head. It's not rolling on the floor, but it is rotation driven by head motion. It is good for your vestibular system and it is good for your body.

Hour 4 - Rocking for two minutes. Again, don't run off. If you have a closed office, this might not be a big deal. If you are in a cubicle or open shared space, rocking on the floor probably won't be on the top of your to do list. But, what if you stood up, put your hands on your desk and rocked over them, back and forth, pushing your hips back and lengthening your spine as you push back? You can rock on your feet. (A) This gets you up our of your chair, (B) This gets you rocking with most all the same benefits as rocking on the hands and knees. (C ) It's two minutes of movement that may help soothe your mind and help you concentrate better.

Hour 5 - Cross-crawls for two minutes. Okay, these can be done almost anywhere at work. Your cubicle, your chair, the stairwell, in front of the water cooler and in the bathroom. If you do these in the bathroom, go to a stall. The urinal and the sink are just awkward....

I know this seems like a silly way to get in 10 minutes of pressing reset, but it will work. Done every day at work, you'll have pressed reset for 50 minutes in a week. How many good neural connections do you think you can make in 50 minutes? This is simple. This will work. It can make your day better, in both how you feel and In your productivity.

Give this a shot. It is a Strength10Me challenge. Do you accept the challenge? If so, please write us and let us know how this went. And, tell us all the funny stories you got to experience along the way!

Have a great week.

Comments (1)

  1. Angela Gudzinas:
    Mar 27, 2020 at 02:40 AM

    This is very doable! Thanks :)


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