Feed Your Ease

Medical help and treatment is the largest business in our country today. It seems our population is in a chronic and ever-growing state of “Dis-ease.” What were once uncommon maladies are now common.…

A Reset to Ground You

And now, a guest article from OS Instructor and BodCast Producer Sarah Young... Did you ever wish you had a simple and powerful way to ground yourself, calm your mind, and promote good health…

Rock Around the Clock: Quadrupedal Rocking for Work-Stressed Professionals

And now a guest post from Original Strength Professional Rick Evans... Attention, busy executives…

Using Your Life Line

A good deep breath can sometimes fill in for that friend you call on in times of tension, stress, or excitement. It's not always possible to reach out to that friend, but it's always possible to breathe. Breathing deep into your belly can prevent you from saying or doing something you may later truly regret.