Never Stuck

I’ve got a good friend who needed a knee replacement. He was “bone on bone” in his knee, and it was very painful for him to move into deep knee flexion. Deep knee flexion is the kind of knee flexion…

An Honest and Controversial Question

And now, a guest article by OS Clinician and friend Dr. Kurt Brooks. Buckle UP!!! An Open Question:  What is our fascination with “perfect form” when strength training? I’ve been a physical…

Movement and Mental Health - Understanding the Mind + Body Connection

In my last semester in college, taking a psychology internship, I thought to help people feel better, I had to work with their mind. Graduate school and our profession…

We Are Only Human After All

And now, a guest article by Dr. Kurt S. Brooks, OS Certified Clinician: We all get hurt.  Injuries happen.  We twist an ankle, bite a lip, hurt our backs and tear rotator cuffs.  It’s…