Thank You

Categories: Blog Nov 23, 2016

It's Thanksgiving here in the United States. A time for us to be thankful.

So here goes:

If you are a father, a dad, trying to raise your kids well, trying to set the example to follow, teaching about respect, integrity, and truth, Thank you.

If you are a mother, a mom, trying to love your kids with all you have, being the example of love, boldness and gentleness, Thank you.

If you are a husband working to support your wife, not financially, but as a rock of strength and support - a never ending shoulder for her to lean on, Thank you.

If you are a wife working to support your husband, maybe even financially, but also as a source of comfort and understanding - a companion to both celebrate and endure life, Thank you.

If you are a neighbor who always seeks to serve others; to smile at them, help them, love on them and watch out for them, Thank you.

If you are a public servant and defender of others; a member of the armed forces, a firefighter, a police officer, an EMT, a Teacher, a hospice worker, a doctor, a nurse, a waiter, a janitor, a trash collector, Thank you so much.

If you are someone who believes good will always prevail, someone who seeks to be a light in darkness, an ear for a friend, a heart for a stranger, an open mind for another of a different background, opinion, belief and culture, Thank you.

Thank you for doing whatever it is you do to try to make the world a better place for those around you. Don't diminish or dismiss any of your efforts. Even the little things make huge impacts.

We do live in a wonderful world. And even in the wildest of times, there is so much to be thankful for. I believe gratitude is a powerful creative force, you could even call it a reset. It can change your circumstances, your outlook and your relationships. It's silly, right? . Two words: "Thank you." Just two words, or the heart behind them, is all it takes to make the world a better place.

Today, change the world. Say "Thank You" to someone, even if all they do is smile at you. And be grateful for even the smallest of things. Little things make huge differences...

Happy Thanksgiving, Everyone!

To those of you not in the US, Happy day of thankfulness!

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