The Grass is Greener

Categories: Uncategorized Oct 19, 2013



I'll be honest. I have never liked mowing the lawn. In fact, I used to loathe it. Cutting the grass for me was more of a punishment than simply a chore. Maybe it is because I live in North Carolina and the summers here get pretty hot, and wet. Maybe it is because the grass just keeps growing; it won't stay short. Whatever the reason, I never liked mowing the grass.

Until now. Now, mowing the grass is a blessing. It is a gift. In fact, now, I am thankful that I get to mow the lawn. Why? Because I can.

Seriously, I can mow my lawn. I have a push mower, and I can push it. I have the physical ability to be able to mow my own grass with a push mower. Even if I had 2 acres of grass to mow (and I don't), I am physically able to push my mower across 2 acres. That my friends, is a blessing.

I am at the stage of my life now where I can see that the things I once dreaded to do, I am blessed because I can do. I can push my mower. I can hoist my ladder. I can rake the leaves in the yard. I can out run my children. I can mop the floor. I can get the Christmas decorations down from the attic. I CAN. Without dread. Without fear. Without discomfort. I simply can.

I have my original strength, my reflexive strength. I have a solid foundation from which I can do anything I need to do, and anything I want to do. The things I once took for granted I now take for treasures. I no longer dread doing things like mowing the lawn. I actually embrace mowing the lawn now.

Do you understand what I am saying? I get to mow my lawn. I am capable. Think about this: What are the chances you will see someone riding through a mega-mart store on an electric shopping cart when you take your next shopping trip? I'll bet they are pretty good. Doesn't that make you sad, and yet thankful at the same time? Do you realize how blessed you are to be capable of walking on your own two feet when you go shopping, or when you mow your lawn?

I am not bashing those that ride on electric shopping carts, or scooters, or riding lawn-mowers. I am simply saying that I am aware of how wonderful it is to be able to not need those things. I am noticing more and more people are not able to enjoy the freedom of movement that I have, and it makes me grateful that I have my original strength.

Moving the way were were designed to move is what keeps us capable, healthy and strong. When I am 100 years old, I know that I will still be able to mow my own grass. And for that hope, for that knowledge, I am thankful. If you don't believe me, try to hang around long enough so you can watch and see. Hopefully they will still make push mowers then.

The point is, moving the way we were designed keeps us capable. It allows us to live our lives with joy. It gives us hope because moving the way we were made to move also restores and renews us. Even the person who rides on the electric shopping cart can reclaim and restore the body they were meant to have. Yes, they could. It may take them a while, but they could totally regain their body. They could totally become strong and healthy again. Moving they way we were designed is that powerful. It gives birth to freedom, to vitality, to life.

What about you? Are you free to move and do anything you want to do? Are you able to mow your own lawn? Are you capable of a 5 mile hike? Are you free to live? Are you able to see the blessings in even the most mundane chores like picking up laundry from the floor, dusting the baseboards in your home, or taking out the trash? The ability to do those things is a blessing. It really is. Again, if you don't believe me, ask any 80 year old what they think about being able to do any of those things. They will probably quickly smile and tell you that they are blessed. They will quickly tell you that their grass is greener.

If you want to know more about reclaiming your strength, or your ability to simply move and live life without limits, I encourage you to check out Original Strength and The Hope of Movement. If you've read OS and you want to physically see how movement can restore a person's ability to live in freedom, check out one of our workshops - hopefully coming to a town near you.

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