The Head of....

Categories: Blog Aug 28, 2016

We often talk about how the head leads the body or how the body follows the head. This is our design. If the head looks down, into flexion the body wants to go into flexion. If the head looks up in extension, the body wants to move into extension. In other words, your abs turn on if you look down and your back turns on if you look up.

The head leads the show. This truth moves beyond the physical body. Did you know that? The head of a cooperate body leads that body as well, much in the same way as the physical head leads the physical body. What I mean is the leadership of an organization, or a household leads that organization or household by the direction it is going. My favorite line in the move Remember the Titans is, "Attitude reflects leadership." The point was, the attitude of the football team was reflecting the attitude of the leadership of the team. The body was simply carrying out and doing what the head was doing.

So the question is, are you the head? You might be thinking you are not the leader of an organization or even the leader of your household, but the truth is you are. You are a leader. What you do matters and the direction you are going certainly effects the lives and direction of those around you. Your thoughts, your demeanor, your decisions and your actions effect everyone around you. Leader of an organization or not, you are a leader. People are watching you. They respond to the things you do and the moves you decide to make. What you do greatly determines the environment and atmosphere that surrounds you because what you do greatly influences the lives of those you interact with.

So the real question is, what kind of leader are you? Where is your head? How do your thoughts and movements influence the thoughts and actions of those around you. Are you full of life and energy, leading others to life and energy? Or are you full of doubt and negativity (darkness), leading others to dark thoughts and actions? How do you assess your leadership? Like it or not, you are a leader, an influencer and what you do day in day out, moment by moment matters. It matters a lot.

You want to make the world a better place? You want to change the world and make a difference? Get your head right and lead by the example you want to realize. It is the golden rule. Do to others what you want done to you. Do. Live and lead = serve others the way you want the world to be. You are the head. What you do matters. If the world is going to change for the better, it starts with you. Where you go, the rest will follow. Test it out. Smile and see if you don't receive a smile. Cuss someone and see if you don't receive a cuss back (Don't do that!). Be the person or the change you wish the rest of the world was. That is how you receive the world you want.

Lead, serve, change. You are the head.

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