The Terrible Land Of Limbo

Categories: Blog Mar 23, 2016

Have you ever needed to leave your home but thought you might need to use the “restroom” but you weren’t sure if you did or not? You know, kind of a state of limbo: “Do I need to ‘go’? I feel like I might, but I might not…” When it comes to “going”, limbo is not a great place to be. After all, if you had to use the rest room, you could just use it and go about your business. Ha! no pun intended… And, if you didn’t have to use the restroom, it would be no big deal, you could just leave your home and be where you needed to be. But, if you weren’t sure, you would have to gamble. You could leave home, and maybe nothing would happen. Maybe the unsure feeling of having to “go” would simply go. Or, you could leave home and later get hit with a sure understanding of knowing you needed to “go.” That could create a whole other logistical issue: “If i have to use this McDonald’s restroom, should I buy a biscuit to make it right?”

Anyway, being in limbo can be a weird place. It can be the land of knowing, and at the same time, it is the land of the unknown. It can be the land of desire and yet the land of apathy. It can be the land of the luke warm, and it can be the land of the tipping point. It’s the in-between.

For example, and we’ve all been here:

“I’m hungry, I want to eat something. But I don’t know what i’m in the mood for.” Or, “I know I should get up and move, or ‘exercise’, but I don’t feel like it.” Or even, “God is, but is God?”

Limbo is often seen as the land of uncertainty, but it can also be seen as the land of awareness. If you are in limbo over something, like having to use the restroom, you have awareness. You have the opportunity to reflect, think and choose. As I mentioned above, the state of limbo could be a tipping point for something great to happen. It is the place where awareness or knowing confronts action or passivity. Limbo just might be the birth place of greatness.

Why am I talking about this?

Look at movement: Because you more than likely know with certainty that you were made to move and moving is critical to living life better. So, do you move? With intent and purpose? Do you act on your awareness? Do you choose to press reset every day because you know it will enable you to move with strength and vitality as you age? Do you choose to move so you can live your life better with strength?

Or, do you simply not act? Do you choose to wait until tomorrow? Do you choose to analyze your situation over and over and over again thinking the more you think about it, the better decision you will make? Have you done this? Have you sabotaged action with too much thought? Or, have you simply yielded to apathy or even hopelessness?

Now, look at life: You are also probably aware that you were put here for a reason. You have a purpose, a dream you were meant to fulfill, that only you can fulfill. So, do you move? Do you act on this awareness with intent and purpose? Or, do you sit on the awareness and ponder the possibilities of all that could go wrong or be wrong. Do you dwell on all the “what if’s” that could keep you from becoming who you were meant to be? I don’t know the answers to these questions. Only you do.

We were all made to move forward in life; forward in thought, action, and impact. None of us were meant to be still, or to fall down without getting back up. We were not created to live in limbo. Not that limbo is not a terrible land to be in, unless you stay there and get buried. Limbo is only meant to be the place of awareness, the place of opportunity, the pivot point of greatness. And, if you recognize the opportunities set before you, you can make decisions and actions that allow you to live your life better.

Are you moving forward? Are you in limbo? Are you buried? Be aware and act, move forward, in thought and body. Choose to think and move every single day. Choose to live life better. Choose to become and be only what you were created to be. If you don’t know who or what that is, let me help you. I guarantee you were born to make this world a better place, uniquely. If you are in limbo over this, take a deep breath and move forward. In other words, get up and become.

Being resolute to move forward every day, to keep going every day, to press on every day - that is like a reset, every day. You can press reset in every moment by choosing to move forward.

Oh yeah, if you do decide to go into the McDonald’s only to use the restroom, yes, buy something…..

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