There Is No Pill for That

Categories: Uncategorized Feb 26, 2014


We live in a world today where medicine is created to address most issues that the human body faces. Truthfully, the medicine, or the drugs, is mostly created to be a bandaid for our symptoms, not our issues. We have medicines for things like high blood pressure, high cholesterol, arthritis, depression, inflammation, hormone regulation, obesity and whatever else. We even have medicines for the medicines, as some medicines cause issues that need to be addressed by other medicines. All of all the medicines we have, there is one medicine we can not find in a bottle. There is one medicine that if we could take it regularly, we might be able to do away with all of the other medicines and issues that they are prescribed for: Movement.

There is no pill for movement.

Moving the way we were created is the best way to restore and maintain a healthy body; a body that is not reliant on medications for the many symptoms it displays. Often times, the symptoms displayed by the body are a result of the body not doing what the body should be doing: moving.

If we were designed to move, but we didn't move, how well would our body function? If the function of the body was dependent on the design of the body, could the body function well if its design was neglected or abused? Guess what. Our function is largely dependent on our design, which means our function is largely dependent on our movement. If the body doesn't move often, with deliberate contra-lateral limb movement (walking, crawling), and with head movement, the body will start to fall apart. Chaos will grow out of order. Things like hormonal imbalances, inflammation, obesity, apathy, fatigue, heart disease and any other issues you might think of, even "bad" gene expression, are all largely a result of the body not doing what it is designed to do.

These issues are only symptoms, or fruits of the problem. They are not the root of the problem. To effectively deal with the fruit, you have to address the root. All the medicines in the world cannot fix the root of our most common problem: People are not moving. Therefore people are having many fruits of misuse, or un-use, because they are simply ignoring their design. The quick "fix" may be a medication, but there is no medication that can solve the real problem.

The solution to the real problem is the most simplest solution of all: Move. Move the way you were made to move. Move often, on purpose, for fun, for play, for "just because". Move because you can, and move because you are supposed to. Don't deny your design. If you do, you invite the fruits of death, so to speak, to attack your body.

Life should be enjoyed with vitality, with health. We are all capable of having this life. We are also capable of having a life full of deadly fruit, the fruits and issues that result from us ignoring what we were made to do. No amount of pills can restore your vitality. The medicine for your health and vitality is already inside of you. You should take your medicine every day. Your medicine is to move. And, laugh. Laughing is good medicine, too. Just one more proof that life is meant to be enjoyed.....

At Original Strength, our mission is to set people free through movement. You were made to move. You were made to be free.

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