Time is On Your Side

Categories: Uncategorized May 21, 2014

We often feel like we have to have things yesterday. We want answers now and we needed them even sooner than that. Everything in this life just seems rushed. This is very evident in the health and fitness industry. There are thousands of products and programs that promise to give you a new body or a new life in 30 days or less. There are shock collars for your mid-section, vibrating dumbbells to strengthen your imagination, and less-than-sane workouts that destroy you before you ever make it past the "warm up".

The one thing all of these quick fixes fail to take into consideration is that life is a journey and it last longer than 30 days. Some things, like change, take time and some things are worth the time they take. If you have spent 15 years neglecting your health, do you think 30 days is sufficient to restore all that you have left behind? What if you have spent 30 years behind a desk? Is a less-than-sane exercise program the optimal choice to restore the body you think you used to have, or the body you imagine you want to have?

Being healthy, getting healthy, may take time - more than 30 days - and that is okay. You have got 40 to 60 more years to enjoy the health you can restore and achieve by remaining calm and practicing good, consistent efforts that build up over time.

I know, I should talk. I claim that Original Strength and the idea of pressing reset can work fast, almost instant in some cases. And it can. It actually can restore wonderful reflexive memories and allow you to move and feel great again in just a few seconds to a few days - for some people. But even if pressing reset worked as fast as blinking your eyes, if you only did it once or twice, what good would that do? You would end up right back where you were eventually. No, good health, rebuilding the body you were meant to have, takes time. More to the point, it takes consistency over time.

You can absolutely restore and renew your body to the way you were designed to be: healthy, strong and resilient. But this is a journey that is best traveled with the end goal in mind: Life. It is good to press reset today, tomorrow, and next year. It is good to go for walks with your spouse on a regular basis. It is good to know you don't need vibrating dumbbells or other quick fix gimmicks. You are worth the time it takes to restore something that was built to last. Time is on your side, don't waste it. Restore your original strength. It will last you a lifetime.

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