Use Your Imagination to Move

Categories: Uncategorized Oct 23, 2013



Have you ever wanted to move like someone or some animal that you believe to move beautifully? I remember watching Michael Johnson run the 200 meter dash in the Olympics many moons ago. He ran like poetry. I often wanted to run like him when I ran. In my world, I did run just like him. Well, maybe not as fast, but as pretty.

Often times we can actually move like the way we "see" in our mind's eye. Our imagination can actually help us move the way we want to move. Many people tell me that they want to crawl gracefully, like a cat. So I tell them, "Pretend you are a cat." Many times they actually start crawling like a cat.

Sometimes people get frustrated because they can't roll fluidly. This can often be fixed by imagining their body is moving like an ocean wave - rolling and fluid. This imagery helps rid extra rigidity in their movements.

Here is a quick video to illustrate my point:


Your imagination can be a powerful tool when it comes to moving the way you want to move, or when it comes to trying to learn a new move. If you can see what you want to do in your mind's eye, you can eventually do it. However, if you can't envision how you want to move, or what you want to do, chances are you will not be able to move the way you think you should. You will only move the way you see yourself move.

You can't go where you can't see yourself going. If you want to move well, or you want to learn to move a certain way, use your imagination. See yourself doing what it is you want to do.

We are scheduling workshops for 2014. Check our calendar often as we will be updating it quite a bit!

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