Vantage Point

Categories: Blog Sep 04, 2016

Do you know why humans are designed to hold their heads on the horizon? Vantage point. Probably not the reason you were thinking, but it is the reason. We are made to hold our gaze on the horizon, not just for good posture, not just for balance, but for vantage - for proper perspective, clarity and courage.

When we go through hard times, the tendency is to drop our heads. When we do this, our focus becomes narrow, because we can only see our situation and not much else. The result that follows from narrow focus is narrow thoughts - thoughts incapable of solving problems or seeing solutions. When our heads drop due to our circumstances, so does our countenance, so does our confidence, so does our hope. It is written somewhere that "hope deferred makes a heart grow sick." When we hang our heads in sorrow, dismay, or defeat, we become "sick" or broken. You've heard the age old question, which came first the chicken or the egg? Here is a similar question, Which falls first, the head or the heart? Do you know the answer to both questions? Here it is: It doesn't matter.

It doesn't matter because chickens make eggs and eggs make chickens. Falling heads make falling hearts and falling hearts make falling heads. Anyway, THE reason we are meant to keep our heads on the horizon is because when the head is held up on the horizon we are all offered a different vantage point. When our heads our up, we can see the sun rise. Did you know the sun rises every single day, whether you see it or not? Every day, the sun comes up bringing with it a new day full of new opportunities, new moments. Every day is reset by the sun - you can actually see darkness being chased away by the golden rays of light. It's like watching hope burst it's seems.

But you can't see any of that, you can't think any of that, you can follow any of that, if you only see the ground, or the darkness caused by the low vantage point of your own eyes and mind.

Let's be honest. Sometimes our circumstances just suck. Sometimes life just kicks us in the crotch. It happens. But we have a default setting in us that is designed to help us overcome these dark times. We were made to hold our heads up. If the head stays up, the heart can too. None of us were made to be broken. All of us were made to hold our gaze on the horizon, to look up and see the sun bring in a new day with new moments that we were called to tame.

Your destiny is on the horizon, not broken in pieces down at your feet. Today is a new day. Tomorrow is even a newer one. Don't let your circumstances defer your hope, break your heart and sabotage your destiny. Determine to hold your head up and see the light of your destiny on the horizon. If hope deferred makes a heart grow sick, hope seen on the horizon makes the heart grow strong. And that is your design. You were made to be strong, not just in body, but in mind, in heart. You were made for a specific destiny, no matter what your circumstances may try to tell you. BUT you will never realize that if you walk around looking down, thinking down, or shrinking down all the time.

You were made to hold your head up. You were made to stand tall. You were made to rise. It's all about vantage point. You need to see.

The sun always rises.....

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