What Do You See?

Categories: Blog Aug 07, 2016

There is a great difference between what you look at and what you actually see. What I mean by that is you can look at something but not see its value. For example, you can look at someone rocking on all fours in your local fitness training facility and think, "What a weirdo", or "That just looks like the oddest thing." You see what the person is doing, but you don't "see" that they are actually strengthening their nervous system and integrating their entire body, better enabling themselves to live a life of capability.

On the surface something may seem silly or irrelevant, but if you take the time to "listen" with your eyes you may see below the surface and discover the treasure hidden within. This is often the case with seemingly simple things. Again, something like crawling may look cute when a child does it and it may look ridiculous when an adult does it, but the reality is neither the child nor the adult is simply crawling. They are both integrating their brains with their bodies, they are both connecting their mind and emotions to their movements, and they are both becoming better, becoming "more" with every step they take. The treasure, the value, is inside the movement. At least it is for the one's who perform it, and the ones who discern it through an open lens.

All of us look at things with our eyes but often miss the true treasure underneath what it is we see. We overlook, we dismiss, we deny, or whatever. But if we pause and think, if we try to learn and "listen" from what we observe, we may discover riches beyond value.

This past weekend, I had the honor of teaching with five amazing people at a Pro Reset Workshop. On the outside, I looked at five passionate people who had obtained a great deal of knowledge through their studies and experience. They presented the how's and why's behind Original Strength, and they did so very well. But on the inside, what I saw with my lens was five amazing friends. I saw five people with a common conviction explode with joy in efforts to teach and help others see what they believe they see. It wasn't just five presenters who were good at their craft - it was five leaders, yet servants. It was five teachers, yet students. It was five parents, yet children themselves. It was five friends, yet brothers and sister. I saw five people who want to change the world and make it a better place; not for fame or glory but for desire and passion.

Do you understand? I could easily walk away from this weekend having watched five gifted instructors touting their knowledge and gifts. But instead, I have walked away from this weekend having seen and known five amazing friends who live to make the world a better place by giving away the treasure they know they have.

My only point is don't dismiss what you see. Don't gloss over the surface or dismiss the seemingly little things. And don't waste the moments you are given by only looking and not seeing. Don't just look with your eyes, see with a discerning lens, a curious mind and an open heart.

Crawling is not just crawling. Walking is not simply walking. The cashier is not just a cashier. A police officer is more than just a police officer. A neighbor may be more than "just a janitor." When you look at the world, what do you see?

Treasures are always hidden below the surface.

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