What If?

Categories: Uncategorized Mar 09, 2014


Have you ever wondered "What If...?" Really, have you ever sat down and pondered on the possibilities that live inside of the realm of What If?

Now, before we get started down this road, you should know that there are multiple roads and all of these roads go towards two distinctly different areas: What If - Good, What If - Bad. For us, and this discussion, we are going to travel towards What If - Good.

Here we go:

What if we used our imaginations? What if we decided that we were tired of accepting all the information in the world: good, bad, or indifferent. What if we decided that we were going to imagine how things should be - how life should be. What if we started marinating on the good thoughts of how things in our lives should go? What would happen if we started living our lives in such a way that we chose to travel towards the path our imagination leads us?


Ok, let me help you here. What if, you imagined AND decided that your body was never meant to be broken; that you were never meant to be sick or fragile. Do you think that a decision based on this "what if" notion would change the outcome of your life? I do. If you knew you were never supposed to be weak, or frail, or sick, would you settle for being weak, frail, or sick? No, you wouldn't. You'd probably stand against it. You'd probably fight to become whole - the way you know you are supposed to be.

What if you imagined and believed that you were meant to be strong? If you knew in your heart that you were meant to be strong, do you think you would walk around accepting weakness or fragility? No, you wouldn't. You would probably walk around in confidence knowing that you can conquer nagging issues and small physical attacks. You would probably walk around knowing that you have no limitations. You would probably settle for nothing less than to be strong.

What you imagine, what you think about, can lead to what you know. What you know, what you believe in your heart, leads to what you experience.

You might be thinking that this is just positive thinking hocus-pocus speak. But consider this: People usually live to the level of their imaginations and to the level of their expectations. There are many, many people walking around sick, broken, lonely, afraid, depressed and whatever else because they imagine those paths, they settle their thoughts on those paths. They think things like, "Oh, I'm probably going to get sick. Bob had the flu, and he came into work yesterday. That jerk..." Or they say things like, "When you hit 40, everything just goes to Detroit." You know what I mean, right? People meditate on the negatives, the lies around them, then they start to accept and believe those lies; they expect them.

This is the wrong path.

We should use our imaginations towards the other path, the good path. We should live as "What If - Good", not "What If - Bad."

What If - Good can lead you down a whole new way of thinking. It can lead you down a whole new way of life. It can, because What If - Good becomes your expectation, which becomes your experience.

Let's use our imaginations; for Good.

What if, we were not meant to be in pain?
What if, we were created to be strong? Super strong?
What if, we were made to smile?
What if, we were never meant to be alone, or lonely?
What if, we were never meant to be afraid?
What if, we were special?

What if?

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