Where Are You Going?

Categories: Uncategorized Oct 02, 2013

a href="https://originalstrength.net/wp-content/uploads/2013/10/DSC_0260.jpg">DSC_0260

Have you ever heard the expression, "Where the head goes, the body will follow?" You probably have. That saying is very, very true. Your body is designed in such a way that the head leads "the show." That is if your head goes into flexion, your body will go into flexion. If your head goes into extension, your body will go into extension. If your rotate your head to the right, your body will also want to rotate to the right. The movements of your head help facilitate the movements of your body. At least they are supposed to.

Our vestibular system, our balance system, lives inside of our head. Every single muscle in your body is connected to your vestibular system. By learning how to move your head as a child, you in a sense literally tie and connect your whole body together to your head through your vestibular system. Your natural strength and reflexes are born and controlled through the movements of your head. Again, that is the way we are made and that is the way we are supposed to work: Where our head goes, our body should follow.

But what if our heads don't go anywhere? What if we sit with our heads motionless throughout the day? What if we stare straight ahead looking into a computer screen or through a windshield. What if we set up mirrors all around us so that we no longer have to turn our heads for anything? If we did that, if we learned how not to move our heads, where would  our bodies then go?

We are made so that our bodies are to follow our heads. Our core muscles, all of our muscles, are intimately tied to the movements of our heads. Moving our heads is what keeps these muscular connections sharp. But what if we don't move our heads? Well, if we don't move our heads, we degrade and lose the intimacy of our reflexive muscular connections to our heads. In other words, we lose control of our bodies.

If the head runs the show, if our head movements help strengthen our bodies, and they do, what happens when we don't use our heads? We lose ourselves. We lose our strength. We lose our resiliency. We lose our health. Our body becomes like a ship at sea without a captain. The head is supposed to be the captain of the body. It gives direction to our bodies. Without head control, our bodies become lost.

So the question is: Where do you want to go? What do you want for your life? Do you want to be healthy and strong? Do you want to be able to play with your children's children with strength and vitality? If so, you need to relearn and regain control of your head. You need to get your captain back in control of your ship so you can navigate the "treacherous waters" of life.

If you don't have control of your head and all its movements, your body is lost, in a sense. Having head control is one of the major secrets of life and strength. Just ask any child.

Incidentally, your body also follows the thoughts that are born in your head. If you want to be healthy and feel good, think feel-good, healthy thoughts. Your body will follow your head in all of its thoughts as well.

If you want to know more about how to obtain and remember head control, check to see if there is a workshop coming near to where you live. You may just discover some other "secrets" to your health.

Have a great week!


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